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Land Builder
World-building Meditation
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Why the random jagged pieces that don’t match

By Doomsday65   

I been playing this game for awhile and I just hit level 20sum and there’s these random pieces that just don’t line up like why it’s terrible

07/15/2024 13:09:22
Missing Land??

By bwebb1104   

I absolutely love this game and have spent hours playing. I even paid for the ad-free pack which has made the game better but still annoying that you have to watch an ad anyway if you want special tiles or to get more tiles to finish a level. But it’s still one of my favorite games. BUT, the most annoying thing happened starting at the extra level between level 21 and 22. I keep getting tiles that are missing land. I’ll get a tile piece that has two terrains and yet the two other corners of the tile is.. empty?? I thought it was a glitch and refreshed my game but they’re still there. It makes it almost impossible to fit tiles together because they’re not a match due to the “holes” in my land from the incomplete tiles. This has made me so annoyed that I stopped playing after retrying this level at least 4 times. PLEASE fix this so we can keep building!!

07/15/2024 08:03:05
Give us a creative mode!

By KkYyMmIiRrAa   

This game is great, nice graphics, cute little animals pop up as you build, chill but still requires a bit of forethought and planning.
But what would make it even better is a creative mode where you have access to all the pieces and can create custom maps. This could cater to artists and writers who want to make a visual representation of a world they are creating or just a fun side game of “make your own kingdom”.
Possibilities are endless

07/14/2024 23:48:31
Good game, bad customer experience

By Eh...Meh   

I really liked the game itself. However I’m unwilling to put time into a game that won’t save progress, especially after watching ads for in game rewards. I tried reaching out but with no resolution, and reading about similar situations, I feel they don’t care about customers.

07/14/2024 09:59:38
End Game

By Cazmonster-Games   

After a certain point, you are gaining many additional tiles connecting large areas. I would like to convert tiles directly into stars. Even at an expensive 25 or 50 to 1, it would be easier to finish levels.
More, once I am presented with only +20% chance to a terrain, seeing what my percentages are would be helpful in making that choice.

07/13/2024 22:42:37
Free play?

By Skelekin   

I love love this game and have been addicted since the first time it was advertised to me but while I enjoy the challenge of the levels I really wish there was a free play or creative mode where you could just build a landscape, i always get a little sad when the Land I Built (lol) just goes away forever… I think it’s intended to be more of a puzzle game but my favorite part is putting together the landscape 😋 please add a creative mode!!

07/12/2024 19:42:38
Ruined by ads

By Slowpoke812   

A great game ruined by the ads, which are unavoidable if you expect to finish difficult levels. They should offer a paid, ad-free version.

07/12/2024 12:50:29
Love this game but something is missing

By The bee lover1783   

This game is just great!!! Love the looks the feel and everything but I put a lot of work into the cities and they get delete and you just to the next level… Why isn’t there a sandbox??? If there was I would play this game for hours at a time. Please add one!!!

07/11/2024 15:55:42
Lands didn’t save in the game???

By mayhapsnini   

When I first downloaded this game, I played it for literally 5 hours and loved how simple but creative the game could get. Didn’t even mind all the ads. However, I was heavily disappointed the next day when I went back to the game, and most of my previous built lands were gone. I’m not sure if there was a save button (it’s weird because all but two of my lands had saved) or if i misread directions but it was really upsetting because it just seems like wasted time. I know the premise is to get through all the levels, but if the game allows you to further expand after completing the level, then it should save so you can come back later. Would love to see a solution because I really wanted to keep playing.

07/11/2024 09:50:26
Entertaining and Relaxing, but Some Improvements Could be Made

By amity____   

I enjoy this game very much. It’s entertaining and relaxing, and I honestly don’t mind the ads that much. However, really the only thing I’d like to see in this game is an ‘endless’ mode. A mode without a limit of tiles and a star goal would be very fun to play. Of course, this sort of removes the puzzle portion of the game, but having this mode be unlocked after the player beats a certain level further into the game would create a good reward for those players.

07/10/2024 16:47:11
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