Welcome to SnipKey, the ultimate tool for managing text snippets and images, complete with a custom keyboard extension. SnipKey revolutionizes how you interact with content across all your apps—perfect for everything from personal reminders to sensitive work information. Why Choose SnipKey? - Effortless Management: Easily create, store, and categorize text snippets and images with custom tags for quick retrieval. Your information stays organized and accessible. - Custom Keyboard Extension: Instantly access your snippets in any app with our intuitive keyboard. Just switch to SnipKey to tap into your stored data—no more switching apps. - Advanced Filtering: Find exactly what you need with tag-based filtering. Categorize snippets by type like Personal, Work, Banking, or custom tags. - Enhanced Security: Protect sensitive snippets with robust encryption. Secure snippets require FaceID or TouchID to access, ensuring your data stays private. - Universal Compatibility: The SnipKey keyboard works seamlessly across your favorite apps, ensuring you can access your snippets wherever you are. SnipKey is not just a snippet manager; it's a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your productivity and simplify your digital life. Embrace efficiency with SnipKey—where less typing means more doing.