Try a new way to manage your finances. Track expenses and control subscriptions. Quickly add transactions and set reminders, set up goals, and improve your money-saving habits. Your path to financial success starts now. BUDGETS Create spending limits for different categories in the app and keep an eye on your expenses to stay within those limits. RECURRING EXPENSES Set a schedule for transactions, such as rent, subscriptions, or utility payments. Spendient will automatically add these expenses, so you don't have to input them manually. SIMPLE ANALYTICS Gain a clear understanding of your spending habits through analytics. Visualize your expenses using a pie chart, making it easier to identify areas where you can save and optimize your budget. START OF THE BUDGET MONTH You have the option to set a specific date to begin your budget month. For example, you can choose the 15th day of each month or any other date that best fits your financial system. TAGS AND NOTES Add tags and notes to for a better understanding of each expense and quicker transaction searching. CUSTOM CATEGORIES Customize the app to fit your lifestyle by creating your own expense categories. Adapt the program to your needs and preferences. SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY Your security and privacy are important to us. We do not collect any personal or financial data. REMINDERS The app will notify you at a suitable time to remind you to log your transactions. FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY Multiple wallets Support for various currencies Import of banking transactions Privacy: Terms of Use: