ChainArena is an idle RPG set in the fantasy world of Basel. After the ChainGuardians are sent back in time, they are enlisted into a treacherous war along-side the Skull Arena Heroes to take down the Dragon Tribe. i. HEROIC IDLE GAME ADVENTURE 1. Summon the mightiest Skull Heroes and ChainGuardians for the Hero Wars 2. Form a team of 6 to defeat epic bosses 3. The battle continues while you are AFK (Idle) 4. Over 5,000+ stages to conquer ii. CUTTING-EDGE WEB3 INTEGRATION 1. Upgrade your team with exclusive Chain Guardian characters 2. Bring your pre-owned Chain Guardians into the fight 3. Join a guild with other exclusive game token owners 4. Collect exclusive trading cards iii. NUMEROUS IDLE GAME MODES 1. Enter the Daily Dungeon to gain various rewards 2. Race to the top of the Wraith Tower 3. Fierce 5 vs 5 PVP Battles 4. Conquer the Dragon Raids iv. IMMERSIVE GUILD SYSTEM 1. Join a Guild to battle in Guild Wars 2. Collect Guild Artifacts for additional buffs 3. Receive daily attendance rewards and guild level benefits 4. Participate in co-op Guild Raids for more rewards and guild exp 5. Gain access to the Guild Armory for special weapons