Get ready for the ultimate treasure hunt with Deal Heist - the most thrilling and exciting game on the market! Our game offers an immersive play-and-earn model that allows you to earn money by competing against other players in a ranking leaderboard. With multiplayer capabilities, you can connect with other treasure hunters from around the world to make the game even more exciting! FEATURES - Play and earn model - Interactive gameplay with attacking other players' bases - Treasure hunt adventure - Building your own base - Multiplayer capabilities - Strategic gameplay. HOW TO PLAY - Deal Heist is a game that combines "Deal or No Deal" with building and attacking features. - Players build their own houses using virtual resources provided by the game. - The game involves opening a series of cases with different amounts of virtual money. - After each round, a virtual banker offers to buy out the remaining cases for a certain amount of virtual money. - Players can choose to accept the offer or continue playing to try to win more. - In addition to playing the game, players can also attack other players' houses using virtual resources they've collected. - Successful attacks can earn players additional resources and increase their ranking on the game's leaderboard. - The game ends when a player accepts an offer or keeps their own case. - Deal Heist is a fun and competitive game that involves luck and strategy.