How we consume news is changing. News and information comes from everywhere and in many formats. But why should we have to jump across platforms to find and consume it all. Bundlr helps you keep all your newsletters and podcasts subscriptions in one place, while enabling community and content curation. Core Features: > Bundlr gives you two feeds: - A Subscriptions feed curated by you (although we seed it with some stuff to get you going) - A For You recommended feed, driven off what categories you like and whats trending in those categories > Podcast transcriptions: - We think there is a lot of hidden value in long form content. Why not enable people to fragment or extract these gems. For themselves or to share > Indexed newsletters and podcasts across platforms and publishers - You can find and subscribe to content regardless of where it was created - You can navigate to their websites to find more content, see their rankings, write reviews or read others - You can listen or read or both > Ability to create "bundles" of what you think is the best content on whatever topic, event or person is of interest to you. - Bundlr has easy to use tools to highlight text in a newsletter or podcast transcription, so you can comment, share or keep for yourself. - Become a content curator in Bundlr and driven the conversations people are having. - Or share content from outside the app into Bundlr > Main account screen to manage all your content - Track what you're subscribed to - Add rss links to your feed - Use your Bundlr email to subscribe to content external to Bundlr > Track what you have been reading, listening to or curating. - You can save content for later plus... - Bundlr tracks what you have consuming so you can jump right back into where you left off. Right now, Bundlr is free to download and to use.