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My Recipe Box: My Cookbook
All recipe keeper: save your cookbook recipes in recipe book organizer
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I love this app. All the great recipes I find online can be kept in one spot so I can easily find them to use over and over again.

0 0
07/06/2024 04:09:44

Love it

07/06/2024 03:45:42

Loved the app but got a new phone and the app transfered by lost over 3000 recipes

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024


07/05/2024 12:54:55

Fin decent 👌

07/05/2024 05:34:50

I have loved this App. It has been so convenient downloaded and then customising recipes. I have shared it with several friends and even my 10 year old grandson uses it to build up his stash of recipes,( ones he likes and can cook himself).

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

It's on bottom menu. The interface has changed a little
Can you update the app. Maybe I fixed a bug with certain url. Thank you

07/04/2024 16:17:09

Easy to use. I like the web search feature.

0 0
07/03/2024 15:37:22

it's amazing, worth 16$ CAD for premium

0 0
07/02/2024 21:58:59

Does everything I need in a easy and fast way.

0 0
07/02/2024 19:34:20

Still struggling a little bit with this app but it's a good app.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Hello, what do you find unclear? Thank you

07/02/2024 16:26:21

Found this app years ago, and it works perfectly. My favourite feature is the horizontal split screen, which allows me to scroll ingredients and instructions separately. No more scrolling back to find ingredient measures. Brilliant! It is by far the best recipe storage I have found.

0 0
By TJ GoLa
07/01/2024 04:32:14
No data yet.No data yet.
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