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Color by Number for Adults
Oil Painting is a relaxing coloring game for adults
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This is so interesting and consuming that if you had anything bothering you and you get started with this you forget about it. Nice!

0 0
07/10/2024 05:55:00

Colors seem flat and kinda boring

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Thank you so much for your constructive criticism! Everyone who helps us to improve the app receives a gift 🎁 Kindly contact us at [email protected] so that we can send it to you.

07/09/2024 10:22:20

I still think this is THE BEST coloring app! I have noticed a problem recently. If you start painting, but don't finish, coming back later. When I re-open the picture I had started, the colors are gone! So I have to start all over! It doesn't happen to every painting, but enough to be irritating. Not so much fun for ancient eyes! Hope you can fix this soon!

207 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

Thank you for sharing your feedback! Please accept our apologies for the problem. If it's not too much trouble, please send us the details of the issue and your device specifications at [email protected] so that we can investigate the problem further.

07/08/2024 03:55:04

Leaving the review because a few days ago the app started crashing and not opening, saying there is a bug. I wanted to bring your attention to it so it can be fixed as soon as possible. I will change the review once the app is fixed! :)

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/01/2024

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry you had a bad experience and will strive to do better 🙏 Can you please email us at [email protected] to provide your device specifications and help the team identify the issue?

06/30/2024 21:32:01


Developer Replies Reply Time 06/17/2024

Thank you very much for a 5-star rating and for the feedback! 💗 We are happy that you enjoy the app 🎨

06/14/2024 12:50:42
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