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A-GPS Tracker
A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures
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Version History

  • Version2022-03-29

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    Tämä on ulkoilmaohjain, joka käyttää puhelimen A-GPS-ominaisuuksia. Jos se on aktivoituna, se voi nauhoittaa kappaleesi myös silloin, kun puhelin menee valmiustilaan.
    Se on suunniteltu erityisesti vaeltajille, jotka haluavat tallentaa uuden polun tai haluavat seurata olemassa olevaa raidetta ja, mikä tärkeintä, haluavat välttää menettämisen itseään paluumatkan aikana.
    - Korkeus on suhteessa keskimääräiseen merenpintaan (huomaa, että useimmat Android-ohjelmat eivät tee tätä)
    - Leveys- ja pituuskoordinaatit ovat asteina ja UTM-WSG84 (julkaistu paperikartassa)
    - Raita tallennetaan GPX-tiedostoon. Se voidaan tallentaa, tallentaa tai ladata muistiin ja lähettää muille ihmisille. Sen korkeus vs etäisyys-profiili voidaan näyttää ruudulla.
    - Ladatun GPX-radan tilastot sisältävät netin käyntiajan, nousun ja laskun korkeuden.
    - "Seurata polku" -valvontatoimintoa voidaan käyttää hälytyksen tekemiseen, jos jätät ladatun GPX-polun.

    On tärkeää ymmärtää, että tämä sovellus on hyvä jäljittää polkuasi, mutta jos haluat mitata kulkevan matkan, tarkkuus ei ole niin hyvä. Etäisyys mitataan 3: sta tai 5 metristä kerättyjen pisteiden välisten etäisyyksien summana, mutta GPS-tarkkuus on noin 10/20 metriä, jos polku on rento (ei kuten tiellä oleva auto), lopputulos ei voi olla hyvin tarkka. Virheitä, jotka ovat jopa 15% etäisyyksissä, ovat normaaleja.
    Virheitä määrittävät useat tekijät. Tärkeimmät ovat:
    - vastaanotettujen satelliittisignaalien laatu, joka on huono, on taivas pilvinen,
    - jatkuvasti muuttuvien satelliittien kokoonpano / suhteellinen sijainti,
    - signaalien heijastukset suurilla pinnalla, kuten seinillä, rakennuksilla jne.
    Nämä ovat syy siihen, miksi GPS voi saada huonot sijainti-koordinaatit, kun GPS-signaalit heikentävät meteorologiset olosuhteet ja erityisesti kaupunkialueilla, kun satelliittisignaalit vastaanotetaan monipolkujen etenemisestä rakennusten heijastusten vuoksi.
    GPS: tä käytetään tässä yleisenä termina ja viittaa kykyyn vastaanottaa sijaintitietoja satelliiteista vastaanotetuista signaaleista. Nykyaikaiset puhelimet voivat hankkia sijaintitietoja useammasta kuin yhdestä satelliittiverkosta, ts. Paitsi amerikkalaisesta GPS: stä, myös GLONASSista, BeiDousta ja Galileosta. A-GPS Tracker vastaanottaa tietoja kaikista käytettävissä olevista satelliittinavigointijärjestelmistä. Lisäksi A-GPS (Assisted GPS) käyttää myös maapallonlähteitä, kuten solutorni-dataa ja WiFi-verkkoa, jotka voivat parantaa laatua ja tarkkuutta huonoissa satelliittisignaalisissa olosuhteissa ja erityisesti auttaa vähentämään aikaa alkukohdistuksen vahvistamiseen. GPS on tarkemman sijainnin lähde: Leveyspiiri, Pituuspiiri ja Korkeus. Huomaa, että retkeilijöille Korkeus on erityisen tärkeä, ja se voidaan antaa vain GPS: n kautta.

  • Version2022-03-26
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-03-12
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-02-28
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-02-25
    Size:Varia in base al dispositivo

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-02-21
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-02-09
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android12 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-01-24
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android11 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-01-20
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android11 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

  • Version2022-01-14
    Size:Varies with device

    A-GPS Tracker on ihanteellinen tueksi Trekking Adventures

    Update Log

    This release complies with Android11 requirements. it also includes a new feature to compress in a single zip file a track and its photos, to be shared with other users.
    New feature to change color and width of a track.

    App Description

    This is an outdoor Tracker using the A-GPS capabilities of your phone. If activated it may record your track even when the phone goes to stand-by.
    It is designed in particular for hikers that want to record a new path or want to follow an existing track and, more importantly, want to avoid losing themselves during their return way.
    - Elevation is given relative to mean sea level ( note that most android programs don\u0027t do this)
    - Your Latitude and Longitude coordinates are given in degrees and in UTM-WSG84 (published in paper maps)
    - A track is stored in a GPX file. It can be recorded, stored or loaded to/from memory and shared with other people. Its Elevation vs Distance profile can be shown on the screen.
    - Statistics of a loaded GPX track will include the net walk time, ascent and descent altitude.
    - A \"follow path\" monitor function can be enabled to provide an alarm in case you are leaving a loaded GPX path.
    It is important to understand that this App is good to trace your path but if you want to measure a walked distance the accuracy is not so good. A distance is measured as the sum of distances among the points acquired every 3sec or 5meters, but GPS accuracy is about 10/20meters, if the path is casual( not like a car that follows a road) the final result can’t be very accurate. Errors up to 15% in the measurement of distances are normal.
    Errors are determined by several factors. The most important are:
    - quality of received satellite signals, that is poor is the sky is clouded,
    - configuration/relative position of satellites that is continuously changing,
    - reflections of the signals on large surfaces like walls,buildings, etc.
    These are the reasons why GPS may get poor position coordinates when GPS signals are weakened by meteorological conditions and in particular in urban areas, when satellite signals are received from a multi-path propagation due to reflections on buildings.
    GPS is used here as a generic term and refers to the capability to receive position data from signals received from satellites. Modern phones can obtain position data from more than one satellite system, i.e. not only the american GPS but also GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo. A-GPS Tracker will receive data from all the available satellite navigation systems. In addition A-GPS (Assisted GPS) also uses ground sources like cell tower data and WiFi, that may enhance quality and precision when in poor satellite signal conditions and in particular will help to reduce time to start fixing initial position. GPS will be the source of the more accurate position: Latitude, Longitude and Altitude. Note that for hikers Altitude it is of particular importance and can be given only by GPS.

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