Scientific Calculator 995 (sc-995) has general calculator function.
And it has 76 kinds of functions, binary/octal/hexadecimal calculation, complete mathematical calculation.

[Math Functions]

- Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
- Correct Order of Operations (M, D, A, S)
- Constant Feature
- Parenthesis
- Change Sign (+/-)
- X^2/Square Root
- X^3/Cube Root
- Exponents (^key)/Powers of 10
- xth Root
- Pi
- Percent Calculations


- Fraction <> Decimal, Decimal <> Fraction
- Improper Fraction <> Mixed Number
- Simplification


- Sin, Cos, Tan & Inverse
- Hyperbolic Functions
- Converts between DEG, RAD, GRAD


- Mean, Sum, # Elements
- Standard Deviation
- Log, Ln, Inverse Log, Exponential
- nPr, cPr, x!
- Random Number Generator

[Additional Math Functions]

- DMS <> DD Conversions
- Number Bases - Dec, Hex, Oct, Binary
- Polar <> Rectangular Conversions
- Boolean Logic Operations

[User's Guide]

- Include user's guide


This software includes the work that is distributed in the Apache License 2.0.
- MathJax --