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ActivityTracker Pedometer
Automatic step counter, calories, and distance tracker (free).
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4star- *note end of review ; When it worked on my A32. PLEASE UPDATE APP!! When is A.T. going 2 run on Samsung A25??!! Reinstalled on new Samsung A25. SAYS COMPATIBLE. Now it's failed 2 open!! Was working great on Samsung A32. Yes, I gave it Unrestricted Battery use. I want Activity Tracker back! 😕 I guess you're not going 2 update your app. 2 bad. Hope it works on other phones. Good App- when it works. *Note: will not work with any other pedometer app. Installed-Works great alone! Fine with me

1 0
By J.D. R.
Developer Replies Reply Time 05/16/2024

Hi, we are sorry for this issue. We will release a new update for Android 14 in the next days, so stay tunned!

07/14/2024 16:23:50

Was working fine until today. When I tried to open it, it kept crashing. I tried redownloading it, clearing cache and storage, and even restarting my phone. Nothing works. Edited to add: I was told to update to the new version as it would probably fix my issue. Unfortunately, even after repeating all the same steps that I tried the first time, the app still refuses to work.

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/10/2024

We are sorry for this issue. We have just released version 3.3.1 which will probably fix your issue.
Please update and let us know if it solves your problem.

07/11/2024 14:16:41

For the first year, the app would not pick up any steps at all for a day and then work properly the next day. Now it has stopped working altogether. Will not open, there is no update. Definitely would not recommend.

06/21/2024 19:15:29

Lovely no fuss accurate app ☺️

06/21/2024 02:03:14

do not want to receive notifications and am annoyed that the app now constantly prompts me to turn notifications on. will likely switch apps.

0 0
06/19/2024 07:47:00
No data yet.No data yet.
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