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GO Sharing
GO Sharing allows you to make use of shared e-mopeds to travel anywhere, anytime
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Convenient but way too many issues with ending a ride. Of my last 4 rides, 3 times I needed customer service to close it for me.

0 0
07/16/2024 23:44:09

Stuck in verification driving license, Onfido is not loading the page, please fix! (On pixel 7)

0 0
07/13/2024 22:39:36

If I could give 0 I would.

0 0
07/11/2024 01:01:54

It doesn't work. Constantly loading. Pls fix it

0 0
07/09/2024 00:46:25

Is a mess of company.. you try to close the ride.. and still gives you error. After 3 calls and money spent they close automatically your ride.. but you lost the money!!

0 0
07/08/2024 03:20:11

First of all i realy like the idea of this service but there is nothing more anoying than having to walk to a scooter that does not work for some reason but shows up on the map as an available vehicle.. Fix this problem and you have the best solution for moving around the city. Edit: Having a balance of 22 euro's is apparently "a nagative balance" and i'm unable to use the service. Well go sharing enjoy your free 22 euro's, i'm never using this bs again.

07/06/2024 01:03:19

Ik snap niet dat nederlandse gemeentes deze aanbieder blijven gebruiken hun service kwaliteit is serieus bar en dan spreek ik nog niet eens over de app elke keer als ik een scooter wil gebruiken echt elke keer! Moet ik een support ticket openen 20 minuten bij dat ding blijven staan en dan kan ik pas afsluiten en dan hebben we het nog niets een over de wegveiligheid van deze scooters

0 0
By 'null'
07/04/2024 22:50:01

This is a scam, their GPS never works and they keep you with the rental for 10-15 minutes more every time while you have to look for another service area. The support is horrible and they don't rimborse you, despite saying so to close the call. They set up discount areas and then don't recognize them. Costs are crazy high for 10 min bike rides. Stay away if you can.

2 0
07/03/2024 03:05:53

Looks like a fraud app. Once you login, it will force you to pay upfront by loading the balance which is valid for 2months. And then the driving licence verification will not work for ages and will crash your phone. Use Check (rental sharing), it's much easier and simple to use.

0 0
07/02/2024 03:55:43
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9 reviews