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Listonic: Grocery List App
A family grocery list app. Make a shared shopping list & see changes live. Easy!
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
Review Content
Release Time

Much better than other "list" apps!

0 0
07/16/2024 08:44:00

Easy to create multiple lists add and remove things simply

07/16/2024 04:56:12

One of the most malicious apps I have ever seen when it comes to required permissions. The permissions it requires just so you can make a shopping list is incredibly invasive. Uninstalled.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2024

Hi, I'm glad to say that Listonic doesn't have any interest in collecting our user's private data. All of the info about our Private Policy can be found in the app's settings. If you have any questions feel free to ask: [email protected] 🍊

07/16/2024 03:33:55

fantastic app

07/15/2024 22:11:12

Not available on ios in saudi arabia

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/17/2024

Hi! Thank you for your feedback. We're really sorry, but currently the iOS version is not available for the RTL languages. However, we keep that in mind for our future app improvements! Hope you enjoy using Listonic nevertheless. 🙏

07/15/2024 21:46:48

The best free shopping app I ever used! You can add your own shopping list, by store or by category, or anything you name. You can add shopping items freely by any name you want. There are default categories to associate with an item for grouping things. You can also create your own category in "My Categories". For each shopping item, you can add unit, price, quantity, and notes. Well enough functionality for daily shopping. (Only small non-disturbing ads at the bottom.) Highly recommended!

0 0
07/15/2024 10:06:07

Great app, very easy to use 👍

0 0
07/15/2024 09:42:26

This app is really helpful in keeping to a budget. You can create multiple lists for various shopping venues and compare across them the best prices, altogether a most useful tool for getting the most for your money.

0 0
07/15/2024 02:30:27

It's the list for Everything I need to do to Everything I need to get. And, I don't forget and leave it at home....lol

0 0
07/14/2024 20:18:37

Good app to share shopping lists with girlfriend.

0 0
07/14/2024 04:17:58
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