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AnyList: Grocery Shopping List
Share shopping lists, organize your recipes, and do meal planning
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A great way to keep my life and grocery list organized and all in one place.

07/14/2024 19:23:25

It sounds like it is a well thought out app with good functionality but unfortunately you have to make an account to use it. Which for making a shopping or other simple list is unnecessary. For those looking for syncing and sharing of lists then the account creation could be an optional step in those instances.

0 0
07/14/2024 11:34:30

Great for family's

07/14/2024 09:15:08

Great app. Keeps me organized.

0 0
07/14/2024 08:44:08

So far so good.....I like sharing this list with my wife so that either of us can update it real-time!

0 0
07/14/2024 08:11:47

User friendly. So useful

07/14/2024 07:24:43

Has really helped my husband contribute to the meals planning

07/14/2024 06:08:35

Newest update ruins the app. It barely talks to Alexa even with longer prompt, Alexa won't tell you what's on the list.

0 0
07/14/2024 00:04:25

This app has honestly been incredible, even if I used it alone, I would love it so much.

0 0
07/13/2024 21:21:55

Our go-to grocery app. More than worth the small cost. Excellent way to manage shopping list and in-store shopping. Take the time to group like items to the appropriate section of the store and it really helps cut down "mileage" traveled in supermarket. Record aisle numbers in notes so you know where to find seldom-purchased items (like Equate items at Walmart). It's fantastic for working with recipes! If you subscribe to NY Times Cooking, it integrates seemlessly. Grabs other recipes as well.

0 0
07/13/2024 06:50:46
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