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Shopping List - Simple & Easy
Easy, fast, simple. You need this app. Grocery and shopping list on your phone.
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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nice app I gave it 3 ⭐ if dev would do an update when your in your list when you hit sort alphabetically you should have the option to save that so you don't have to hit sort alphabetically every time you go in and add something I would rate it much higher ?

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hello. Thanks for your feedback. It has been forwarded to our development team to help improve the app. Have a great day!

07/11/2024 07:38:19

Simple to use...does everything that I want it to do

0 0
07/11/2024 06:06:22

Great app

07/11/2024 03:33:59

Seems to work just fine. I have no complaints.

0 0
07/11/2024 00:50:05

Nice and easy to use

07/10/2024 06:45:42

Easy to use too bad it has ads

0 0
By Rick
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/10/2024

Hello. Ads can be removed permanently with a small one time payment. Please click the three dots on the upper right hand corner of the first screen to see the local price. Thanks and have a great day!

07/10/2024 05:21:31

Easy for an oldie.

0 0
07/10/2024 02:23:17

Annoying ads when I just need to look up a list, but otherwise does the job

0 0
07/10/2024 00:00:40

This app is perfect for task management. So quick to add and sort items. I use it for work and home as to do lists and it's exactly what I've been looking for. Only thing I wish it had is a total number of items not completed and total items in list next to each list name, example Todo list (3/12). That way I know there's thing to do on that list instead of opening each list to check if there's anything there. Thanks!

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hello. Thanks for your feedback. It has been forwarded to the development team to help improve the app. Have a great rest of the week!

07/09/2024 20:29:54

Easy to use!

0 0
By David
07/09/2024 05:43:03
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