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WiFi Scan QR & Barcode Scanner
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Version History

  • Version2.6


    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    您正在尋找適用於 Android 的二維碼掃描儀嗎?您的一體化解決方案可輕鬆設置 Wi-Fi 連接,無需輸入密碼和條形碼掃描即可連接到 Wi-Fi。憑藉我們先進的技術和用戶友好的界面,該應用程序徹底改變了您訪問和掃描 Wi-Fi 網絡以及解碼條形碼的方式。告別繁瑣的手動輸入,通過簡單的掃描體驗無縫連接。通過整理掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡來簡化您的生活。不再需要潦草記下密碼或費力記住細節。下載二維碼掃描儀獲取 WiFi 密碼,開啟一個便利和高效的世界!它可以快速解碼其中嵌入的信息,在幾秒鐘內為您提供寶貴的數據。我們適用於 Android 設備的閃電 QR 碼掃描儀應用程序與您設備的本機功能無縫集成,支持幾乎所有 QR/條形碼格式!只需輕輕一按,即可直接連接到掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡、撥打電話、訪問網站、發送電子郵件或與朋友和同事共享條形碼。我們的 WiFi 二維碼掃描儀應用程序提供無限可能。

    輕鬆掃描 Wi-Fi 二維碼并快速連接到無線網絡。不再為又長又復雜的密碼而煩惱!我們的 Wi-Fi Scan QR 碼掃描器應用程序可破譯 Wi-Fi QR 碼中嵌入的加密信息,使網絡設置變得輕而易舉。無論您是在咖啡館、機場、酒店還是朋友家,都可以通過掃描提供的二維碼輕鬆訪問 Wi-Fi 網絡。這款輕巧、即時且安全的卡片掃描儀確實值得一試。下載此 aadhar 卡片掃描儀。
    啟動應用程序後,您會看到一個乾淨整潔的掃描屏幕,讓您可以專注於捕獲您感興趣的代碼。二維碼閱讀器支持快速輕鬆地掃描教科書中的 DIKSHA 和 ePathshala 二維碼。學生可以下載免費的數字學習材料。超快條碼掃描儀應用程序對所有 Android 設備都是免費的!掃描所有條形碼

    極致的 QR 掃描儀應用程序提供了一系列附加功能來提高您的工作效率。該應用程序允許您將掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡直接保存到您的設備,創建以前連接的網絡的便捷列表以便於訪問。您還可以使用應用程序中集成的各種共享選項,輕鬆與他人共享掃描的 Wi-Fi 信息或條形碼數據。無論您是在雜貨店、購物中心,還是掃描名片和活動門票,我們的應用程序都能提供準確且快速的解碼,立即提供您所需的信息。只需輕輕一按,您就可以連接到掃描的 WiFi 網絡、直接通過掃描的電話號碼撥打電話、輕鬆訪問網站、輕鬆發送電子郵件或與朋友和同事共享掃描的條形碼。

    總之,WiFi QR 碼閱讀器應用程序是一款多功能且功能豐富的工具,它將 QR 碼閱讀器、Wi-Fi QR 掃描儀和條形碼解碼器的功能組合到一個無縫包中。該應用程序能夠輕鬆掃描和解碼 Wi-Fi 網絡信息、讀取各種條形碼格式並提供一系列附加功能,是任何尋求簡化掃描任務的人不可或缺的伴侶。無論您是精通技術的個人、專業人士還是注重效率的人,此應用程序都是您移動設備的必備軟件。體驗無縫連接、閃電般的解碼和輕鬆的組織——所有這些都在一個強大的應用程序中。我們的專業開發人員定期更新可確保與最新設備、操作系統和安全協議的兼容性,從而保證流暢可靠的掃描體驗。適用於 Android 的小型條碼掃描儀可以快速掃描條碼。免費下載這款適用於 Android 的條碼掃描儀!

  • Version2.4

    用於 wifi 密碼的二維碼掃描儀和條形碼讀取器應用程序,用於掃描 WiFi、網站。

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    歡迎使用終極 WiFi Scan 二維碼掃描儀應用程序,這是您輕鬆進行 Wi-Fi 連接設置和條形碼掃描的一體化解決方案。憑藉我們先進的技術和用戶友好的界面,該應用程序徹底改變了您訪問和掃描 Wi-Fi 網絡以及解碼條形碼的方式。告別繁瑣的手動輸入,通過簡單的掃描體驗無縫連接。通過整理掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡來簡化您的生活。不再需要潦草記下密碼或費力記住細節。下載二維碼掃描儀獲取 WiFi 密碼,開啟一個便利和高效的世界!它可以快速解碼其中嵌入的信息,在幾秒鐘內為您提供寶貴的數據。我們的 WiFi 二維碼掃描儀應用程序與您設備的本機功能無縫集成,提供無與倫比的便利。只需輕輕一按,即可直接連接到掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡、撥打電話、訪問網站、發送電子郵件或與朋友和同事共享條形碼。我們的 WiFi 二維碼掃描儀應用程序提供無限可能。

    輕鬆掃描 Wi-Fi 二維碼并快速連接到無線網絡。不再為又長又復雜的密碼而煩惱!我們的 Wi-Fi Scan QR 碼掃描器應用程序可破譯 Wi-Fi QR 碼中嵌入的加密信息,使網絡設置變得輕而易舉。無論您是在咖啡館、機場、酒店還是朋友家,都可以通過掃描提供的二維碼輕鬆訪問 Wi-Fi 網絡。觸手可及,享受不間斷的瀏覽和流暢的連接。該應用程序的用戶友好界面確保流暢直觀的體驗。啟動應用程序後,您會看到一個乾淨整潔的掃描屏幕,讓您可以專注於捕獲您感興趣的代碼。相機取景器針對準確性和可靠性進行了優化,確保即使在具有挑戰性的照明條件或在處理複雜代碼時,該應用程序表現完美。

    除了卓越的掃描功能外,WiFi QR 碼閱讀器應用程序還提供一系列附加功能來提高您的工作效率。該應用程序允許您將掃描的 Wi-Fi 網絡直接保存到您的設備,創建以前連接的網絡的便捷列表以便於訪問。您還可以使用應用程序中集成的各種共享選項,輕鬆與他人共享掃描的 Wi-Fi 信息或條形碼數據。無論您是在雜貨店、購物中心,還是掃描名片和活動門票,我們的應用程序都能提供準確且快速的解碼,立即提供您所需的信息。只需輕輕一按,您就可以連接到掃描的 WiFi 網絡、直接通過掃描的電話號碼撥打電話、輕鬆訪問網站、輕鬆發送電子郵件或與朋友和同事共享掃描的條形碼。我們的應用程序與您設備的本機功能無縫集成,最大限度地提高您的便利性和生產力。

    總之,WiFi QR 碼閱讀器應用程序是一款多功能且功能豐富的工具,它將 QR 碼閱讀器、Wi-Fi QR 掃描儀和條形碼解碼器的功能組合到一個無縫包中。該應用程序能夠輕鬆掃描和解碼 Wi-Fi 網絡信息、讀取各種條形碼格式並提供一系列附加功能,是任何尋求簡化掃描任務的人不可或缺的伴侶。無論您是精通技術的個人、專業人士還是注重效率的人,此應用程序都是您移動設備的必備軟件。體驗無縫連接、閃電般的解碼和輕鬆的組織——所有這些都在一個強大的應用程序中。我們的專業開發人員定期更新可確保與最新設備、操作系統和安全協議的兼容性,從而保證流暢可靠的掃描體驗。可自定義的設置允許您根據自己的喜好定制應用程序,例如掃描蜂鳴聲、手電筒使用等,確保個性化的掃描體驗。

  • Version2.3

    WiFi QR 碼密碼掃描器應用程序可掃描 WiFi、條形碼、聯繫人、購物。

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.

    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.

    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone's camera, barcode scanner & QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.

    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App

    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.

    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.

    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.

    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.

    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to "Allow" or "Deny"

    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.

    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don't hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version2.0

    WiFi QR 碼密碼掃描器應用程序可掃描 WiFi、條形碼、聯繫人、購物。

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.

    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.

    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone's camera, barcode scanner & QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.

    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App

    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.

    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.

    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.

    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.

    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to "Allow" or "Deny"

    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.

    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don't hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.9

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.

    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.

    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone's camera, barcode scanner & QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.

    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App

    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.

    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.

    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.

    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.

    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to "Allow" or "Deny"

    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.

    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don't hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.8

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.
    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.
    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone\u0027s camera, barcode scanner \u0026 QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.
    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App
    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.
    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.
    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.
    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.
    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to \"Allow\" or \"Deny\"
    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.
    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don\u0027t hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.7

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.
    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.
    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone\u0027s camera, barcode scanner \u0026 QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.
    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App
    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.
    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.
    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.
    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.
    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to \"Allow\" or \"Deny\"
    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.
    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don\u0027t hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.6

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.
    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.
    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone\u0027s camera, barcode scanner \u0026 QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.
    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App
    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.
    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.
    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.
    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.
    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to \"Allow\" or \"Deny\"
    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.
    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don\u0027t hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.5

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.
    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.
    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone\u0027s camera, barcode scanner \u0026 QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.
    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App
    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.
    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.
    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.
    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.
    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to \"Allow\" or \"Deny\"
    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.
    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don\u0027t hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].

  • Version1.4

    用於WiFi,購物,聯繫人的QR碼掃描儀。 QR碼掃描karne wala應用程序✅

    Update Log

    - QR Code Reader supports most leading formats
    - Barcode Scanner functionality
    - Flashlight to scan in dark
    - Fast results
    - Works offline

    App Description

    Imagine you are sitting in a cafe and you want to connect to the WiFi swiftly, or want to check their menu without touching the menu card. Imagine you are strolling through a supermarket and you want to check the price of a particular product online at an e-commerce platform but do not want to browse through thousands of products available online. All these stated things are possible through this QR code scanner app. All you need to do is open this fast barcode and QR reader app and scan the code to get the details you need.
    With this barcode reader and QR scanner application, you will be able to have all the product information in front of you. QR, barcodes are everywhere, right from visiting cards to eateries. Now, you will be able to find out all the information such as wifi, contact information at one go with this accurate and reliable barcode scan and qr reader app. This becomes an essential app for every device to read the information behind the square barcodes quickly in just seconds by scanning it.
    How to use this powerful barcode and QR scanner app?
    It is super easy to get all the information you need to know about a product in an accurate and super fast way, now, with the QR code scanner app. With this app, all you need to do is open the app, point the camera at the barcode mentioned generally on the back of the product (making sure the code is completely in focus). Change your smartphone into an instant QR code reader by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the code and you will have accurate results of the code in front of you. By using phone\u0027s camera, barcode scanner \u0026 QR reader app will quickly scan and recognise the information of barcode inventory. It is simple to operate and is designed to give instant results by auto recognising the barcode or QR.
    Features of Barcode scan and QR reader App
    Scan All formats
    With this reliable scanner for QR app, you will be able to scan all regular formats like EAN, ISIN etc. This means that you will have access to full information about the product by scanning the code through this app.
    With the flashlight feature in the lightweight app, you can even scan the barcode or the QR code in dim light or in a dark environment. Activate the flashlight using the sign displayed and focus this on your QR code so that it is clearly visible for scanning.
    Unlimited Usage
    You will be able to read or scan unlimited barcodes, QR codes quickly with this reader app. Now, compare prices through details of products by scanning QR codes or any kind of barcode inventory accurately as many times and save money with this code reader app.
    You will be able to share the instant results after scanning the barcode or QR code with your friends through social media channels.
    Permissions needed for best experience of scanning QR code
    -CAMERA: To capture the image of the QR or barcode. Permissions are prompted when needed, users have the option to \"Allow\" or \"Deny\"
    The QR decoder app respects the privacy and only require permissions that are essential for decoding the barcode or QR code.
    This app is designed to give you a very high quality experience. Please don\u0027t hesitate to shoot us your query on [email protected].