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Yoga-Go: Yoga For Weight Loss
Daily yoga for beginners. Lose weight with yoga guide & home workout for women
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I paid for this app and whenever I try to start exercise there is the big yellow loading circle going for hours and doesn't open. I tried two times to contact them via email and they ignored me, only to answer the last time that they have a load of requests. Of course they have because their app doesn't work and they don't respect people. I got the program for a month and it seems I lost my money because days pass and this app doesn't open. They are scum. Dont Fall in their trap

07/12/2024 21:31:29

This is such a scam! First I decide to bite the bullet and pay the $15 for one month of this app and then after I download it and try to set it up it does NOT let me complete the set up until I fork over another $38.79 for an “annual” extra! Why the hell would I need an annual extra if I am only signing up for one month! I WANT A REFUND!!!

07/12/2024 20:53:39

Ik vind dat ik er ingeluisd ben. Er werd opeens zo'n 66 euro afgeschreven. Ik wil helemaal geen verlenging! Wat een drama!!

07/12/2024 16:47:35

Such a great way to get into yoga and stretching. I love how you can choose from so many plans and go at your own pace. I never really liked yoga, but this is different and now I'm hooked. I really like the wall pilates. I saw a difference in the way I look and feel within the first week.

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07/11/2024 23:02:10

I bought this app based on adverts showing chair-based exercises, but when I set the app up, all I got was chair-based yoga - I know the app is called YOGA-go, but the advert told me it did something else! I wrote to the company about this, a full working week ago, but have still not received a reply! So, I went to Google, but they don't seem to think that misadvertising is worthy of a refund! CONCLUSION - make sure you're getting what you think you're getting before paying for this app!

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07/11/2024 22:21:23

just a Tip for those Who Want The App on Their Laptop or Desktop DOWNLOAD "Blue-stacks." Then You Can Download the App !

07/11/2024 22:19:33

Te hacen responder 85 preguntas para al final decirte que si no pagas no podes hacer nada

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By Yume
07/11/2024 21:47:09

the workouts are great and I like how you can adjust the time and difficulty of the routines

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07/11/2024 20:06:47

It's a Con! Yogo-Go's refund policy is very one sided and you don't get a 30 day refund despite what they advertise! They quote terms and conditions, which seems fair enough BUT these are not readily available even after purchase as their website link is broken. I wish I'd read the other reviews before I purchased. I'm now using a free app and it's much better than this! AVOID!

07/11/2024 14:44:22

With many, many options for other at-home practice available to me, and some improvements made to this tutelage, it is currently a very comfortable and preferable go-to for me.

0 0
07/11/2024 12:00:16
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