Looking for an all-in-one solution for your LED and resistor needs? Look no further than LED Resistor Calculator! With a simple and easy-to-use interface, our app simplifies the process of working with LEDs and resistors, making it easy for hobbyists and professionals alike to find the information they need.

Are you tired of damaging your LEDs by using the wrong resistor? Do you find it difficult to calculate the resistor value yourself? LED Resistor Calculator can help! Our app allows you to enter the relevant information and hit the calculate button, taking all the guesswork out of the equation.

With a comprehensive feature set, LED Resistor Calculator is the perfect tool for anyone who works with LEDs and resistors. It helps you calculate the series current limiting resistor, power rating, and power dissipation of LEDs and resistors, as well as the effective current passing through the LED. Our app also efficiently calculates the power efficiency of the current circuit and suggests a suitable standard resistor with a tolerance of 5% (E24) or 10% (E12) for your LEDs.

If you're unsure of the resistor's value, LED Resistor Calculator also includes a resistor color code converter to help you find the correct value quickly and easily. Plus, our app has a ready-to-use list of standard LEDs, so you can easily pick the one you need and get the information you require immediately.

Other features of LED Resistor Calculator include a schematic view of the circuit complete with calculated values, ease of use, and adjustable resistor tolerances. This app also supports single LED mode, series LED mode, and parallel LED mode, all in a clean UI with a variety of eye-catching themes.

Don't let the hassle of determining the resistor value or power efficiency of your LED projects get you down! Download LED Resistor Calculator today for quick and easy access to all the information you need. And don't forget to leave a review if you find our app useful!