MOJiTest is a professional platform focusing on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and is committed to helping millions of Japanese language enthusiasts self-study and take the test with zero foundation. We provide a complete set of authoritative lexicon for N1-N5, special blue book for postgraduate entrance examination, official cooperation green book, a complete set of lexicon for compulsory electives for college entrance examination, and supporting real questions and analysis from previous years, so that you can immerse yourself in the simulation without panic. To memorize words and do real test questions, use MOJiTest!
[Past question papers - complete package]
● Includes past JLPT test questions and analysis from 2010 to 2022, and the latest test questions are being updated continuously!
● Supports special vocabulary/grammar/reading/listening training, allowing you to efficiently answer questions in fragmented time and consolidate weak knowledge points.
● Immersive simulation of the real exam system, saying goodbye to paper-based questions and helping you adapt to the rhythm of the real exam room.
● Support long-press word selection and word search, and one-click analysis is accurate and efficient.

[100+ word books - memorize words quickly]
● For common exams such as JLPT preparation/Japanese college entrance examination/postgraduate entrance examination Japanese, it is equipped with a complete set of artificially refined vocabulary libraries such as the Little Red Book, the official Green Little Book, New Complete Mastery, JLPT real test vocabulary, the Blue Little Book of Japanese for postgraduate entrance examination, and high school Japanese compulsory courses.
● Combined with the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, formulate a scientific word memorization plan to make your memory stronger!
● The progress of all word books is shared, and the question types are scientific, effective and customizable to help you improve your word memorization efficiency!
● One-click collection of difficult-to-memorize words, making individual review more efficient!

[Search recognition-quick problem solving]
● Powerful search engine support, not only able to look up words and grammar, but also find real questions.
● Take photos for identification. If you don’t know the real questions, you can directly take photos and find the questions for analysis with just one click.

[Immersive self-study-high efficiency]
● Join the MOJi self-study room to learn and inspire each other with tens of thousands of friends.
● Support self-created learning groups, members in the group can share progress, encourage each other and send flowers.

【More special features】
● Wrong Question Book - Collect difficult and good questions in one piece, practice point-to-point to improve the accuracy, and say goodbye to the question sea strategy.
● Check-in calendar - records the cumulative vocabulary learned, number of study days, and study time in real time, so you can know the learning progress at a glance. If you keep checking in, you can also get Moji’s unique medal!
● Note Collection - Record study notes at all times, collect all the words and grammar you don't know, and study them over and over again.
● Desktop component - Set the form and style of desktop components according to personal preferences. It is a tool for memorizing words in fragmented time. The progress of word memorization can be seen at a glance!
● Study Reminders - Set reminders to keep your study progress in check.
● Pronunciation adjustment - Personally adjust the pronunciation mode, speaking speed and number of pronunciations of the word book to suit your listening habits.
More interesting and useful functions are being continuously explored. Support and attention are welcome~

[Recommendations from shipmates]
"I just discovered this learning artifact, it's so late to meet you!"
"If you pass the JLPT once, you can rely on MOJi!"
"2-month speed pass N1 - I only use MOJiTest to answer past papers. It's really comprehensive!"
"MOJiTest, a must-have app for Japanese test questions, can be used together with MOJi dictionary, which is convenient and fast."

about Us
"Communication is natural" - MOJi takes this as its purpose and combines the needs of millions of Japanese learning users to create all-round Japanese learning matrices such as MOJi Dictionary (じしょ), MOJi Reading, MOJiTest, and MOJiKana. MOJi will continue to improve around "experience".

contact us
● Via APP>Settings>Contact us
● Email: [email protected]

learn more
● WeChat public account: MOJi Dictionary (←Customer service can be found here)
● Little Red Book: MOJi Dictionary
● Twitter: MOJI_SERIES