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Safe Notes - Official app
Encrypted notepad. No ads. Official app for non-profit service ProtectedText.com
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I just started using this app, but so far it's doing what it is supposed to. I had a feature request though. I only have a few set up so far, but could see if someone has more than a few...a switch to lock or unlock all of them might be nice. Thank you, great app so far.

0 0
07/16/2024 22:35:43


0 0
07/15/2024 22:37:10

Perfect app for private and safe note storage, simple without customisation, effective for strongly protected documents.

07/15/2024 18:24:30

no ads, no annoyance

07/15/2024 17:46:31

Very secure way to store private info - notes can be uploaded and then deleted from device, so it's impossible to prove such a note exists. IMHO the best place for password storage. The only extra feature I would like is to be able to adjust the line spacing for local notes.

0 0
By David
07/15/2024 15:13:29

Finally! No ads, no forced login with an account to sync. Simple to use and focused on security for free, a blessing in these days Thank you!

0 0
By Xiphoid
07/14/2024 03:43:01

Good app but it would be nice if there was an option to auto-lock the note instead of manually pressing the lock button every time after editing the note. If there is, I couldn't find it.

0 0
07/13/2024 20:10:28

Is there anyway to recover lost saves?

0 0
By Sarah
07/13/2024 04:04:11

Nice app. Being able to set multiple pins is a nice feature.

0 0
07/12/2024 20:33:05

I like the app is very good but I am having difficulty now to open it and I don't know is really happening

07/11/2024 19:04:13
No data yet.No data yet.
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