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Cross Stitch Coloring Mandala
The amazing puzzle board game to have fun & relax!
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I think the zoom feature needs to be updated with multiple zooming not just in and back out.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hi, Elizabeth Williams,
We've forwarded your feedback to our developers. Thank you for taking out the time to send us your suggestions!

07/08/2024 04:13:55

Mechat was an ad that just advertised and I had no way to report it! It was vulgar and I don't want to be subjected to these types of ads again. I am giving you 2 stars because these ads represent your company!

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/02/2024

Dear Nancy Merck, We are sincerely sorry for your experience. We would love to hear more about your issue, so that we can use your valuable feedback to deliver an even better experience next time. Please reach out to our Support team by pressing 'Support' in the in-game menu with any further screenshots of such ads.

07/02/2024 09:00:22

Horrible. It just doesn't make sense.

0 0
By Hylia
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/01/2024

Hello, Could you please share with us the specific aspects of our game that didn't meet your expectations? Your feedback will help us enhance it for you and others.

06/28/2024 04:52:58

I don't like getting on a sight and then finding out have to pay for it!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2024

We are sincerely sorry if we were lacking in any area. Kindly let us know what would you like to be improved or changed in the game.

06/22/2024 10:29:50

I would like to cross stich the whole pic

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Thank you for your comment. Is there something else that we could do to deserve a better rating from you?

06/14/2024 09:25:08
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 reviews