Edapt enables you to learn in-demand skills online for free. Edapt offers programs across various career paths, ranging from technology to health care. A leading provider of technology education solutions, Edapt launched an innovative platform that provides an engaging learning experience through awareness level programs for school students. These value-based education programs empower students who are devoid of resources or funds to acquire sciences or IT skills. The program was created with the intention to benefit society with an online alternative to Coursera, Udemy, edX, Upgrad, Greatlearning, Lynda, LinkedIn Learning and Khan Academy. It provides job oriented training at no or less cost through open courses with certificates. Using the best of technology along with dynamic content, Edapt aims to completely revolutionize the way people learn.

Online learning is made fun, free and accessible for all. All courses come with certification and Edapt provides 200+ choices as of now.