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Habit Tracker - Proddy
Aplicația all-in-one de auto-îngrijire pentru obiceiuri bune, dispoziție și crearea unei rutine/ritual
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version3.7.7

    Aplicația all-in-one de auto-îngrijire pentru obiceiuri bune, dispoziție și crearea unei rutine/ritual

    Update Log

    Fixed a few issues

    App Description

    Respectarea unui bun obicei zilnic și urmărirea obiceiului nu a fost niciodată mai ușor. Construiește un stil de viață sănătos cu o rutină puternică și concentrează-te pe cel mai important lucru, care este consecvența. Filozofia noastră este că primul tău obicei ar trebui să fie ceva pe care îl poți realiza foarte ușor. Plantând o sămânță mică astăzi și lăsând-o să crească ceva timp, veți crea un viitor uimitor. Proddy te ajută cu obiceiurile tale zilnice și îți dă motivație să te apropii puțin de visele tale.

    ⭐ Obiceiuri mici ⭐
    Un obicei puternic adunat în timp este cel mai simplu și mai durabil mod de a deveni cea mai bună versiune a ta și de a te simți grozav în timpul îngrijirii tale. Luați-o încet și concentrați-vă pe completarea unui mic obicei de 5 minute în fiecare zi. Realizarea acestor mici obiceiuri pe o perioadă lungă de timp vă va ajuta să evitați să fiți copleșit de instrumentul de urmărire a obiceiurilor, ceea ce face mai probabil ca obiceiul zilnic să rămână.

    ⭐ Perspective inteligente ⭐
    Pentru a vă ușura călătoria de auto-îngrijire, veți primi recomandări pentru crearea de obiceiuri și lecții audio puternice pentru a vă îndeplini și mai multe obiceiuri, ajutându-vă totodată să aflați mai multe despre creșterea personală și urmărirea obiceiurilor.

    Proddy este mult mai mult decât un simplu instrument de urmărire a obiceiurilor. Este un însoțitor holistic de îngrijire personală, care vă ajută și cu un jurnal de dispoziție, un temporizator de amânare și statistici inteligente. Cu aceste perspective, te vei înțelege mai bine pe tine însuți și modul în care obiceiul și productivitatea ta afectează modul în care te simți.


    - Încheierea unui obicei este simplă și frumoasă cu instrumentul nostru de urmărire a obiceiurilor
    - Analize inteligente pentru a urmări ceea ce este important
    - Vizualizări puternice, estetice ale progresului de urmărire a obiceiurilor pe termen lung
    - Gamificați-vă progresul creând șiruri și urcând în niveluri
    - Concentrați cronometrul pentru a evita distragerile atunci când lucrați la obiectivele dvs
    - Reflectați asupra gândurilor dvs. pe parcursul zilei
    - Un monitor al stării tale de spirit cu jurnal
    - Interfață curată și minimalistă pentru a obține mai multe obiceiuri
    - Creați un motiv pentru fiecare obicei, astfel încât să știți întotdeauna de ce ați început
    - Împărțiți un obiectiv descurajator în bucăți ușor de realizat

    Filozofia noastră este că construirea auto-disciplinei și a bunelor obiceiuri zilnice ar trebui să fie ceva semnificativ de care te poți bucura și care are puterea de a te menține entuziasmat în fiecare zi după ce te-ai trezit în timpul rutinei de dimineață.

    Vă mulțumim pentru susținerea unui dezvoltator independent pentru crearea de aplicații! Puteți oricând trimite un e-mail la adresa de mai jos pentru orice sugestie sau feedback pentru aplicație.

    Trimiteți-mi un e-mail la [email protected]

    Termeni și condiții: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899

    Politica de confidențialitate:

    Descărcați acest instrument de urmărire a obiceiurilor acum și deveniți cea mai fericită și mai sănătoasă versiune a dvs., cu puterea de a crea un obicei simplu.

  • Version3.6.1

    Aplicația all-in-one de auto-îngrijire pentru obiceiuri bune, dispoziție și crearea unei rutine/ritual

    Update Log

    A few performance improvements.

    App Description

    Respectarea unui bun obicei zilnic și urmărirea obiceiului nu a fost niciodată mai ușor. Construiește un stil de viață sănătos cu o rutină puternică și concentrează-te pe cel mai important lucru, care este consecvența. Filozofia noastră este că primul tău obicei ar trebui să fie ceva pe care îl poți realiza foarte ușor. Plantând o sămânță mică astăzi și lăsând-o să crească ceva timp, veți crea un viitor uimitor. Proddy te ajută cu obiceiurile tale zilnice și îți dă motivație să te apropii puțin de visele tale.

    ⭐ Obiceiuri mici ⭐
    Un obicei puternic adunat în timp este cel mai simplu și mai durabil mod de a deveni cea mai bună versiune a ta și de a te simți grozav în timpul îngrijirii tale. Luați-o încet și concentrați-vă pe completarea unui mic obicei de 5 minute în fiecare zi. Realizarea acestor mici obiceiuri pe o perioadă lungă de timp vă va ajuta să evitați să fiți copleșit de instrumentul de urmărire a obiceiurilor, ceea ce face mai probabil ca obiceiul zilnic să rămână.

    ⭐ Perspective inteligente ⭐
    Pentru a vă ușura călătoria de auto-îngrijire, veți primi recomandări pentru crearea de obiceiuri și lecții audio puternice pentru a vă îndeplini și mai multe obiceiuri, ajutându-vă totodată să aflați mai multe despre creșterea personală și urmărirea obiceiurilor.

    Proddy este mult mai mult decât un simplu instrument de urmărire a obiceiurilor. Este un însoțitor holistic de îngrijire personală, care vă ajută și cu un jurnal de dispoziție, un temporizator de amânare și statistici inteligente. Cu aceste perspective, te vei înțelege mai bine pe tine însuți și modul în care obiceiul și productivitatea ta afectează modul în care te simți.


    - Încheierea unui obicei este simplă și frumoasă cu instrumentul nostru de urmărire a obiceiurilor
    - Analize inteligente pentru a urmări ceea ce este important
    - Vizualizări puternice, estetice ale progresului de urmărire a obiceiurilor pe termen lung
    - Gamificați-vă progresul creând șiruri și urcând în niveluri
    - Concentrați cronometrul pentru a evita distragerile atunci când lucrați la obiectivele dvs
    - Reflectați asupra gândurilor dvs. pe parcursul zilei
    - Un monitor al stării tale de spirit cu jurnal
    - Interfață curată și minimalistă pentru a obține mai multe obiceiuri
    - Creați un motiv pentru fiecare obicei, astfel încât să știți întotdeauna de ce ați început
    - Împărțiți un obiectiv descurajator în bucăți ușor de realizat

    Filozofia noastră este că construirea auto-disciplinei și a bunelor obiceiuri zilnice ar trebui să fie ceva semnificativ de care te poți bucura și care are puterea de a te menține entuziasmat în fiecare zi după ce te-ai trezit în timpul rutinei de dimineață.

    Vă mulțumim pentru susținerea unui dezvoltator independent pentru crearea de aplicații! Puteți oricând trimite un e-mail la adresa de mai jos pentru orice sugestie sau feedback pentru aplicație.

    Trimiteți-mi un e-mail la [email protected]

    Termeni și condiții: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899

    Politica de confidențialitate:

    Descărcați acest instrument de urmărire a obiceiurilor acum și deveniți cea mai fericită și mai sănătoasă versiune a dvs., cu puterea de a crea un obicei simplu.

  • Version3.5.2

    Aplicația all-in-one de auto-îngrijire pentru obiceiuri bune, dispoziție și crearea unei rutine/ritual

    Update Log

    A few performance improvements.

    App Description

    Sticking to a good daily habit and tracking your habit has never been more effortless. Build up a healthy lifestyle with a powerful routine and focus on the most important thing, which is consistency. Our philosophy is that your first habit should be something you can very easily achieve. By planting a small seed today and letting it grow for some time you will then create an amazing future. Proddy helps you with your daily habits and gives you motivation you to get a little closer to your dreams.

    ⭐ Tiny Habits ⭐
    A powerful habit compounding over time is the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great during your selfcare. Take it slow and focus on completing a small 5 minute habit everyday. Accomplishing these tiny habits over a long period of time will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed with your habit tracker, making it more likely for the daily habit to stick.

    ⭐ Intelligent Insights ⭐
    To make your selfcare journey easier, you'll get curated habit building recommendations and powerful audio lessons to get even more of your habits done, while also helping you learn more about personal growth and habit tracking.

    Proddy is way more than only a habit tracker. It's a holistic selfcare companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you'll better understand yourself and the way your habit and productivity affects how you feel.

    ⭐ FEATURES ⭐

    - Finishing a habit is simple and beautiful with our habit tracker
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what's important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term habit tracking progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your goals
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - A tracker of your mood with journaling
    - Clean and minimalistic interface to get more habits done
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting goal into easy-to-do chunks

    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited every day after waking up during your morning routine.

    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.

    Email me at [email protected]

    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899

    Privacy Policy:

    Download this habit tracker now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of creating a simple habit.

  • Version3.3.8

    Aplicația all-in-one pentru construirea de obiceiuri, starea de spirit și crearea unei rutine/ritual

    App Description

    Sticking to a good daily habit and tracking your habit has never been more effortless. Build up a healthy lifestyle with a powerful routine and focus on the most important thing, which is consistency. Our philosophy is that your first habit should be something you can very easily achieve. By planting a small seed today and letting it grow for some time you will then create an amazing future. Proddy helps you with your daily habits and gives you motivation you to get a little closer to your dreams.

    ⭐ Tiny Habits ⭐
    A powerful habit compounding over time is the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great during your selfcare. Take it slow and focus on completing a small 5 minute habit everyday. Accomplishing these tiny habits over a long period of time will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed with your habit tracker, making it more likely for the daily habit to stick.

    ⭐ Intelligent Insights ⭐
    To make your selfcare journey easier, you'll get curated habit building recommendations and powerful audio lessons to get even more of your habits done, while also helping you learn more about personal growth and habit tracking.

    Proddy is way more than only a habit tracker. It's a holistic selfcare companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you'll better understand yourself and the way your habit and productivity affects how you feel.

    ⭐ FEATURES ⭐

    - Finishing a habit is simple and beautiful with our habit tracker
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what's important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term habit tracking progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your goals
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - A tracker of your mood with journaling
    - Clean and minimalistic interface to get more habits done
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting goal into easy-to-do chunks

    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited every day after waking up during your morning routine.

    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.

    Email me at [email protected]

    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899

    Privacy Policy:

    Download this habit tracker now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of creating a simple habit.

  • Version3.1.5

    Deveniți structurat cu aplicația all-in-one pentru obiceiuri, dispoziție și rutina de dimineață

    Update Log

    Fixed a small bug

    App Description

    Sticking to a good daily habit and tracking your habit has never been more effortless. Build up a healthy lifestyle with strong routines and focus on the most important thing, which is consistency. By planting a small seed today and letting it grow for some time you will create an amazing future. Proddy helps you with your daily habits and gives you motivation you to get a little closer to your dreams.
    ⭐ Tiny Habits ⭐
    A powerful daily habit compounding over time is the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great during your selfcare. Take it slow and focus on completing a small 5 minute habit everyday. Accomplishing these tiny habits over a long period of time will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed with your habit tracker, making it more likely for the daily goal to stick.
    ⭐ Intelligent Insights ⭐
    To make your selfcare journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit builder recommendations and powerful audio lessons to get even more of your habits done, while also helping you learn more about personal growth.
    Proddy can support you with more than just habit tracking. It\u0027s a holistic selfcare companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your habit productivity affects how you feel.

    ⭐ FEATURES ⭐
    -Finishing a daily routine is simple and beautiful with our habit tracker
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term habit tracking progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your goals
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - A tracker of your mood with journaling
    - Clean and minimalistic interface to get more habits done
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting goal into easy-to-do chunks
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited every day after waking up during your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download the habit tracker now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of creating a simple habit.

  • Version3.1.3

    Aplicația pentru obiceiuri inteligente pentru obiective și urme zilnice

    Update Log

    Hotfix for the notification scheduling bug that prevented creating new reminders and deleting them.

    App Description

    Proddy is a simple habit tracker that will help you build atomic habits and achieve your goals every day.

    Positive habits compounding over time are the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great every day. It\u0027s best to take it slow and focus on completing small 5 minute habits every day. Accomplishing these tiny wins every day will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed making it likelier for the routine to stick.
    To make your self care journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit recommendations and powerful audio lessons to keep you motivated every day, while also helping you learn more about self-improvement.
    Proddy can support you with more than just tracking your habits. It\u0027s a holistic self-care companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your productivity affects how you feel.

    - Completing habits is simple and beautiful
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your habits
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - Journal and keep track of your personal happiness
    - Clean and minimalistic interface
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting routine into easy-to-do chunks
    - All-in-one habit tracker
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited waking up every day before your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download Proddy now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of simple habits.
    Start your personal self-care journey with the best habit tracker!

  • Version3.1.2

    Aplicația pentru obiceiuri inteligente pentru obiective și urme zilnice

    Update Log

    Fixed a bug with notification scheduling.

    App Description

    Proddy is a simple habit tracker that will help you build atomic habits and achieve your goals every day.

    Positive habits compounding over time are the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great every day. It\u0027s best to take it slow and focus on completing small 5 minute habits every day. Accomplishing these tiny wins every day will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed making it likelier for the routine to stick.
    To make your self care journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit recommendations and powerful audio lessons to keep you motivated every day, while also helping you learn more about self-improvement.
    Proddy can support you with more than just tracking your habits. It\u0027s a holistic self-care companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your productivity affects how you feel.

    - Completing habits is simple and beautiful
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your habits
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - Journal and keep track of your personal happiness
    - Clean and minimalistic interface
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting routine into easy-to-do chunks
    - All-in-one habit tracker
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited waking up every day before your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download Proddy now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of simple habits.
    Start your personal self-care journey with the best habit tracker!

  • Version3.1.1

    Aplicația pentru obiceiuri inteligente pentru obiective și urme zilnice

    Update Log

    This version brings some small performance improvements and a brand new app icon!

    App Description

    Proddy is a simple habit tracker that will help you build atomic habits and achieve your goals every day.

    Positive habits compounding over time are the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great every day. It\u0027s best to take it slow and focus on completing small 5 minute habits every day. Accomplishing these tiny wins every day will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed making it likelier for the routine to stick.
    To make your self care journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit recommendations and powerful audio lessons to keep you motivated every day, while also helping you learn more about self-improvement.
    Proddy can support you with more than just tracking your habits. It\u0027s a holistic self-care companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your productivity affects how you feel.

    - Completing habits is simple and beautiful
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your habits
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - Journal and keep track of your personal happiness
    - Clean and minimalistic interface
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting routine into easy-to-do chunks
    - All-in-one habit tracker
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited waking up every day before your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download Proddy now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of simple habits.
    Start your personal self-care journey with the best habit tracker!

  • Version3.1.0

    Aplicația pentru obiceiuri inteligente pentru obiective și urme zilnice

    Update Log

    Building powerful habits is now even more efficient!
    With this update you can reorder your habits by going to the settings.
    Also a bug that had to do with editing notifications has been fixed.

    App Description

    Proddy is a simple habit tracker that will help you build atomic habits and achieve your goals every day.

    Positive habits compounding over time are the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great every day. It\u0027s best to take it slow and focus on completing small 5 minute habits every day. Accomplishing these tiny wins every day will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed making it likelier for the routine to stick.
    To make your self care journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit recommendations and powerful audio lessons to keep you motivated every day, while also helping you learn more about self-improvement.
    Proddy can support you with more than just tracking your habits. It\u0027s a holistic self-care companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your productivity affects how you feel.

    - Completing habits is simple and beautiful
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your habits
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - Journal and keep track of your personal happiness
    - Clean and minimalistic interface
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting routine into easy-to-do chunks
    - All-in-one habit tracker
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited waking up every day before your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download Proddy now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of simple habits.
    Start your personal self-care journey with the best habit tracker!

  • Version3.0.11

    Aplicația pentru obiceiuri inteligente pentru obiective și urme zilnice

    Update Log

    -Completely redesigned the habit creation process and fixed some small bugs

    App Description

    Proddy is a simple habit tracker that will help you build atomic habits and achieve your goals every day.

    Positive habits compounding over time are the easiest and most sustainable way to become the best version of yourself and to feel great every day. It\u0027s best to take it slow and focus on completing small 5 minute habits every day. Accomplishing these tiny wins every day will help you avoid becoming overwhelmed making it likelier for the routine to stick.
    To make your self care journey easier, you\u0027ll get curated habit recommendations and powerful audio lessons to keep you motivated every day, while also helping you learn more about self-improvement.
    Proddy can support you with more than just tracking your habits. It\u0027s a holistic self-care companion that also assists you with a mood journal, a procrastination timer and intelligent statistics. With these insights you\u0027ll better understand yourself and the way your productivity affects how you feel.

    - Completing habits is simple and beautiful
    - Smart analytics to keep track of what\u0027s important
    - Powerful, aesthetic visualisations of your long-term progress
    - Gamify your progress by building streaks and climbing in levels
    - Focus timer to avoid distractions when working on your habits
    - Reflect on your thoughts throughout the day
    - Journal and keep track of your personal happiness
    - Clean and minimalistic interface
    - Create a reason for each habit, so you always know why you started
    - Break down a daunting routine into easy-to-do chunks
    - All-in-one habit tracker
    Our philosophy is that building self-discipline and good daily habits should be something meaningful that you can enjoy and that has the power to keep you excited waking up every day before your morning routine.
    Thanks for supporting an indie developer building apps! You can always send an email to the address below for any suggestions or feedback for the app.
    Email me at [email protected]
    Terms and Conditions: https://www.iubenda.com/terms-and-conditions/54429899
    Privacy Policy:
    Download Proddy now and become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself with the power of simple habits.
    Start your personal self-care journey with the best habit tracker!

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