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Google Fi Wireless
Use the app to easily add members, manage your plan, and do more.
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Still getting over charged for garbage service

0 0
07/16/2024 16:34:58

Bad service and expansive

07/16/2024 16:10:44

alqoran power

07/16/2024 12:33:11

The absolute worst 😫 😩 😭. Google fi is as good as text plus and text plus is free. The absolute worst customer service I have ever used in my entire life. This phone service you might as well get a free phone service. That's how bad this is bad. Do not purchase any of this. Do not purchase Google fi

07/16/2024 05:30:26

Very confusing minus one in my books

07/16/2024 02:03:05

Horrible customer service. If you say anything negative about the sim card failures or the surprise bill. They will disconnect you. Why do you think people call customer service? Furthermore, you can't change just one member plan. Everyone in the group must have the same plan. They use t-mobile network. But they are more expensive than they are. One thing that Google Fi does do good on is leaving. Easy to get a pin to port your number to another carrier.

0 0
07/15/2024 22:49:38

I just purchased a new unlocked iPhone 14 and so far it has been impossible to get Google Fi working properly. I can receive texts but can't send them. Listening to customer service hold music as I type this. Second attempt. Will have to hang up again shortly as I am out of time. If you have an iPhone (or maybe any phone) don't bother.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/15/2024

Hi there! Thanks for reaching out about the inconvenience you're having with the Google fi services. To get the best support, we recommend contacting our Google Tech Support team. They'll be happy to assist you further with your issue. Here's the link to contact them: https://goo.gle/3fA2oZ0

07/15/2024 10:11:46

Phone calls are hanging one OnePlus 12 uninstalling this app fixes it

0 0
By Ty G
Developer Replies Reply Time 09/08/2023

Hey there! We're here to help! Please reach out to our support channel https://support.google.com/fi/gethelp, so they look into this for you. Thank you! -Keea

07/15/2024 01:08:10

T037 forever with try again and no support. Probably violating laws and causing damages or just too big to care or do.

0 0
07/14/2024 17:39:00


07/14/2024 12:52:00
No data yet.No data yet.
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