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Magic Rampage
Action-Packed RPG Platformer!
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Id rather not eat or drink a single bit for a month than touch this game

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/17/2024

We are sorry we didn't meet your expectations. Is there anything we can do to help you?

07/16/2024 05:38:54

Loved it, slowly got addicted and played this every day, I just wish the number of slots were as many as the number of characters to choose from and play as (I needed to delete older slots cuz I've completed 5 of them or more and even that wasn't enough for me to get bored of the game) and if you are gonna make/upload chapter 6, can you at least reveal the names of the characters? Like the Captain, That Dude, That Dude's dad, the Warlock, and the King (And can you hire voice actors for them too)

0 0
07/16/2024 04:10:22

Wow amazing game

07/16/2024 02:44:59

Give us an ending it's been 4 years

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for your review! We’re currently working on a new real-time PvP mode, and we’re sure you guys are going to love it! When that’s finished, we’ll be ready to deliver a final episode that’s worth the wait. Hopefully in the future we'll deserve your 5-stars review! 😊

07/16/2024 01:53:08

let the dungeon be many all no end any its fun

0 0
07/16/2024 01:32:53


07/16/2024 00:41:30

good game good graphics

0 0
07/15/2024 19:58:36

magic tales and i like appendix(chapter 4) 🥲

07/15/2024 19:43:00

Nice game. It has some irony as well. I would recommend it.

07/15/2024 19:21:00

I was trying to play the game but it wouldn't let me.i don't know why plz fix this problem.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/16/2024

Thank you for your review! Magic Rampage requires a physical gamepad to play; TV remotes are not supported. Please ensure you have a compatible gamepad before downloading. You can also play on a cell phone or computer. Take care! 😊

07/15/2024 12:45:45
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