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Strong Workout Tracker Gym Log
Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.
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2024 years
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7 month

Version History

  • Version2.7.10

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    This release includes compatibility updates for newer versions of Android SDK and preparation for our upcoming 6.0 release:
    - Note: This version does not include new features

    App Description

    Strong 6.0 on tällä hetkellä varhaisessa käytössä. Liity jonotuslistalle sähköpostitse [email protected].


    "Suosittelen lataamaan "Strong" -sovelluksen ennen kuin palaat kuntosalille. Se on niin hyvää" - CNBC

    "Strongin kaltaisilla sovelluksilla treenaaminen tuntuu enemmän peliltä" - The Verge

    Yksinkertaisin, puhtain ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitus- ja harjoitusseuranta mihin tahansa kuntoilurutiiniin.

    Liity yli 3 000 000 ihmisen joukkoon, jotka ovat ladanneet Strongin pysyäksesi raiteilla kuntosalilla.

    Olitpa aloittelija tai kokenut nostaja, Strong tarjoaa kaiken mitä tarvitset harjoitusten tallentamiseen vaivattomasti ja mahdollisimman nopeasti. Ei enää kynää ja paperia kuntosalilla!

    Halusitpa sitten kasvattaa voimaa, lihasmassaa tai vain pysyä terveenä, Strong on suunniteltu auttamaan sinua saamaan parempia tuloksia harjoituksistasi.

    Strong on optimoitu progressiiviseen tankotusrutiiniin, kuten Starting Strength tai StrongLifts 5x5, mutta se on helposti mukautettavissa mihin tahansa muuhun valitsemaasi rutiiniin!

    • Kaikkien Google Playn kuntosovellusten yksinkertaisin käyttöliittymä
    • Kattava valikoima kardio- ja voimaharjoituksia
    • Lisää omia harjoituksiasi, rutiinejasi ja valitse niistä helposti
    • Yksityiskohtaiset harjoitusohjeet kasvavalla animoitujen videoiden kirjastolla
    • Kehittyneet tilastot näyttävät henkilökohtaiset ennätyksesi ja edistymisesi ja jopa laskevat yhden toiston maksimitoiston ja nostetun kokonaispainon!
    • Sisäänrakennettu automaattinen ajastin, joka auttaa tallentamaan lepotaukoja
    • Tuki useille harjoitustyypeille, mukaan lukien avustettu kehonpaino ja kestoharjoitukset
    • Tagijoukot Lämpenemis-, Vika- tai Pudotusjoukkoina
    • Supersetit/ryhmäharjoitukset
    • Seuraa edistymistäsi Volume- ja 1RM Progression -kaavioiden avulla
    • Varmuuskopioi tiedot automaattisesti Cloud Syncillä!
    • Sisäänrakennettu kehonmittausmittari, joka tallentaa painosi ja muut tärkeät tiedot Google Fitin tuella
    • Lämmittelylaskin kertoo, millä painoilla lämmität
    • Lautasaskin, kun painot nousevat korkeiksi
    • Tuki Imperial (lbs) ja Metric (kg) painoille tai molempien yhdistelmälle
    • Lisää muistiinpanoja harjoituksiin
    • Jaa arkki tekee rutiinien ja harjoitusten jakamisesta ystävien kanssa helpompaa kuin koskaan!
    • Vie kaikki tietosi sähköpostiin CSV-muodossa

    Vahvat käyttöehdot - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Vahva tietosuojakäytäntö - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.9

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed minor issues and crashes.

    App Description

    Strong 6.0 on tällä hetkellä varhaisessa käytössä. Liity jonotuslistalle sähköpostitse [email protected].


    "Suosittelen lataamaan "Strong" -sovelluksen ennen kuin palaat kuntosalille. Se on niin hyvää" - CNBC

    "Strongin kaltaisilla sovelluksilla treenaaminen tuntuu enemmän peliltä" - The Verge

    Yksinkertaisin, puhtain ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitus- ja harjoitusseuranta mihin tahansa kuntoilurutiiniin.

    Liity yli 3 000 000 ihmisen joukkoon, jotka ovat ladanneet Strongin pysyäksesi raiteilla kuntosalilla.

    Olitpa aloittelija tai kokenut nostaja, Strong tarjoaa kaiken mitä tarvitset harjoitusten tallentamiseen vaivattomasti ja mahdollisimman nopeasti. Ei enää kynää ja paperia kuntosalilla!

    Halusitpa sitten kasvattaa voimaa, lihasmassaa tai vain pysyä terveenä, Strong on suunniteltu auttamaan sinua saamaan parempia tuloksia harjoituksistasi.

    Strong on optimoitu progressiiviseen tankotusrutiiniin, kuten Starting Strength tai StrongLifts 5x5, mutta se on helposti mukautettavissa mihin tahansa muuhun valitsemaasi rutiiniin!

    • Kaikkien Google Playn kuntosovellusten yksinkertaisin käyttöliittymä
    • Kattava valikoima kardio- ja voimaharjoituksia
    • Lisää omia harjoituksiasi, rutiinejasi ja valitse niistä helposti
    • Yksityiskohtaiset harjoitusohjeet kasvavalla animoitujen videoiden kirjastolla
    • Kehittyneet tilastot näyttävät henkilökohtaiset ennätyksesi ja edistymisesi ja jopa laskevat yhden toiston maksimitoiston ja nostetun kokonaispainon!
    • Sisäänrakennettu automaattinen ajastin, joka auttaa tallentamaan lepotaukoja
    • Tuki useille harjoitustyypeille, mukaan lukien avustettu kehonpaino ja kestoharjoitukset
    • Tagijoukot Lämpenemis-, Vika- tai Pudotusjoukkoina
    • Supersetit/ryhmäharjoitukset
    • Seuraa edistymistäsi Volume- ja 1RM Progression -kaavioiden avulla
    • Varmuuskopioi tiedot automaattisesti Cloud Syncillä!
    • Sisäänrakennettu kehonmittausmittari, joka tallentaa painosi ja muut tärkeät tiedot Google Fitin tuella
    • Lämmittelylaskin kertoo, millä painoilla lämmität
    • Lautasaskin, kun painot nousevat korkeiksi
    • Tuki Imperial (lbs) ja Metric (kg) painoille tai molempien yhdistelmälle
    • Lisää muistiinpanoja harjoituksiin
    • Jaa arkki tekee rutiinien ja harjoitusten jakamisesta ystävien kanssa helpompaa kuin koskaan!
    • Vie kaikki tietosi sähköpostiin CSV-muodossa

    Vahvat käyttöehdot - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Vahva tietosuojakäytäntö - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.8

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC

    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge

    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.

    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.

    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!

    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.

    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format

    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.6

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed minor issues and crashes.

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.5

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed: Exercise PRs tab showing incorrect data

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.4

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed: Sharing options missing

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.2

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed minor issues and crashes.

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.1

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed minor issues and crashes.

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.7.0

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    - Add Workout Duration to exported CSV

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

  • Version2.6.9

    Puhtain, intuitiivisin ja helppokäyttöisin harjoitusranneke.

    Update Log

    Fixed minor issues and crashes.

    App Description

    “I’d suggest downloading the “Strong” app before you return to the gym. It’s that good” - CNBC
    “With apps like Strong, working out feels more like a game” - The Verge
    The simplest, cleanest, and most easy to use workout and exercise tracker for any fitness routine.
    Join over 3,000,000 people who have downloaded Strong to stay on track in the gym.
    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced lifter, Strong provides everything you need to record your workouts as effortlessly and as quickly as possible. No more pen and paper in the gym!
    Whether you want to gain strength, muscle mass, or just stay healthy, Strong is designed to help you get better results from your workouts.
    Strong is optimized for a progressive barbell routine such as Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5, but it is easily adaptable to any other routine of your choosing!

    • The simplest interface of any fitness app on Google Play
    • A comprehensive range of cardio and strength exercises
    • Add your own exercises, routines and easily choose between them
    • Detailed exercise instructions with a growing library of animated videos
    • Advanced Statistics show your personal records and progression and even calculate your one rep max and total weight lifted!
    • Built in Auto Countdown Timer to help record rest breaks
    • Support for multiple Exercise Types, including Assisted Bodyweight and Duration Exercises
    • Tag sets as Warm Up, Failure or Drop Sets
    • Supersets/Grouped Exercises
    • Track your progress with graphs for Volume and 1RM Progression
    • Automatically back up your data with Cloud Sync!
    • Built-in body measurements tracker to record your weight and other vitals, with support for Google Fit
    • Warm Up Calculator tells you which weights to warm up with
    • Plate Calculator for when the weights get high
    • Support for Imperial (lbs) and Metric (kg) weights, or a combination of both
    • Add notes to your workouts
    • Share sheet makes sharing routines and workouts with friends easier than ever!
    • Export all of your data to Email in CSV format
    Strong Terms of Service - http://help.strongapp.io/article/73-strong-terms-of-service
    Strong Privacy Policy - https://www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/7760215

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