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Cxxdroid - C/C++ compiler IDE
Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version2024-01-16

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Implemented Storage Access Framework support for all Android versions

    App Description

    Cxxdroid este cel mai ușor de utilizat educațional C și C ++ IDE pentru Android.

    - Compilator C / C ++ offline: nu este necesar Internet pentru a rula programe C / C ++.
    - Manager de pachete și un depozit personalizat cu pachete predefinite pentru biblioteci obișnuite, cum ar fi Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl etc.
    - Sunt disponibile și biblioteci de grafică precum SDL2, SFML * și Allegro *.
    - Exemple disponibile imediat pentru o învățare mai rapidă.
    - Emulator terminal cu funcții complete.
    - Modul de interpretare C / C ++ (REPL) bazat pe CERN Cling este de asemenea disponibil.
    - Performanță remarcabilă cu tehnologia avansată de stocare în cache a compilatorului: de până la 33 de ori mai rapidă atunci când este utilizată biblioteca Boost, viteză medie de 3 ori.
    - Arhitectură curată și matură: acum codul este analizat și compilat cu același compilator, iar IDE nu se blochează complet din cauza erorilor de runtime din programele dvs. :)
    - Interfață de utilizare concepută având în vedere viteza și gradul de utilizare: uitați de comenzile rapide neaplicabile sau de combinațiile de butoane tactile necesare doar pentru a rula programul.
    - Adevărat compilator: nu sunt implicați interpreți pe bază de Java (sau chiar Javascript), chiar și limbajul de asamblare inline este acceptat (sintaxă Clang).

    Caracteristici editor:
    - Predicție de cod în timp real, indentare automată și analiză de cod la fel ca în orice IDE real. *
    - Bara de tastatură extinsă cu toate simbolurile de care aveți nevoie pentru a programa în C ++.
    - Evidențierea sintaxei și temele.
    - Filele.
    - Partajare cu un singur clic pe Pastebin.

    * Funcțiile marcate cu asterisc sunt disponibile numai în versiunea Premium.

    Notă importantă: Cxxdroid necesită cel puțin 150 MB memorie internă gratuită. Se recomandă 200 MB +. Mai mult dacă utilizați biblioteci grele precum Boost.

    Participați la dezvoltarea Cxxdroid raportând erori sau oferindu-ne cereri de caracteristici. Apreciem asta.
    Lista de funcții care nu sunt încă disponibile, dar ne străduim să le adăugăm:
    - Depanator

    Deoarece obiectivul principal al Cxxdroid este de a ajuta utilizatorul să învețe limbajul de programare C ++, prima noastră prioritate este portarea bibliotecilor comune, rețineți că atunci când ne cereți să adăugăm o bibliotecă.

    Informații legale.
    Busybox și GNU ld în Cxxdroid APK sunt licențiate sub (L) GPL, trimiteți-ne un e-mail pentru codul sursă.
    Clang la pachet cu Cxxdroid are câteva modificări importante, dar sursa acestei furci este în prezent închisă. Nu permitem nici o reutilizare a acestei (sau a altei părți proprietare) a Cxxdroid în alte produse și vom considera aceasta o încălcare a drepturilor de autor. Binarele compilate cu Cxxdroid pot fi, de asemenea, supuse acestor restricții dacă sunt legate de bibliotecile noastre proprietare.
    Probele disponibile în aplicație sunt gratuite pentru utilizare educațională, cu o singură excepție: ele sau lucrările lor derivate nu pot fi utilizate în niciun produs concurent (în niciun fel). Dacă nu sunteți sigur, dacă aplicația dvs. este afectată de această restricție, solicitați întotdeauna permisiunea prin e-mail.
    Android este o marcă comercială a Google Inc.

  • Version2023-05-10

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Implemented Scoped Storage for Android 11+
    Added Storage Access Framework support for all Android versions

    App Description

    Cxxdroid este cel mai ușor de utilizat educațional C și C ++ IDE pentru Android.

    - Compilator C / C ++ offline: nu este necesar Internet pentru a rula programe C / C ++.
    - Manager de pachete și un depozit personalizat cu pachete predefinite pentru biblioteci obișnuite, cum ar fi Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl etc.
    - Sunt disponibile și biblioteci de grafică precum SDL2, SFML * și Allegro *.
    - Exemple disponibile imediat pentru o învățare mai rapidă.
    - Emulator terminal cu funcții complete.
    - Modul de interpretare C / C ++ (REPL) bazat pe CERN Cling este de asemenea disponibil.
    - Performanță remarcabilă cu tehnologia avansată de stocare în cache a compilatorului: de până la 33 de ori mai rapidă atunci când este utilizată biblioteca Boost, viteză medie de 3 ori.
    - Arhitectură curată și matură: acum codul este analizat și compilat cu același compilator, iar IDE nu se blochează complet din cauza erorilor de runtime din programele dvs. :)
    - Interfață de utilizare concepută având în vedere viteza și gradul de utilizare: uitați de comenzile rapide neaplicabile sau de combinațiile de butoane tactile necesare doar pentru a rula programul.
    - Adevărat compilator: nu sunt implicați interpreți pe bază de Java (sau chiar Javascript), chiar și limbajul de asamblare inline este acceptat (sintaxă Clang).

    Caracteristici editor:
    - Predicție de cod în timp real, indentare automată și analiză de cod la fel ca în orice IDE real. *
    - Bara de tastatură extinsă cu toate simbolurile de care aveți nevoie pentru a programa în C ++.
    - Evidențierea sintaxei și temele.
    - Filele.
    - Partajare cu un singur clic pe Pastebin.

    * Funcțiile marcate cu asterisc sunt disponibile numai în versiunea Premium.

    Notă importantă: Cxxdroid necesită cel puțin 150 MB memorie internă gratuită. Se recomandă 200 MB +. Mai mult dacă utilizați biblioteci grele precum Boost.

    Participați la dezvoltarea Cxxdroid raportând erori sau oferindu-ne cereri de caracteristici. Apreciem asta.
    Lista de funcții care nu sunt încă disponibile, dar ne străduim să le adăugăm:
    - Depanator

    Deoarece obiectivul principal al Cxxdroid este de a ajuta utilizatorul să învețe limbajul de programare C ++, prima noastră prioritate este portarea bibliotecilor comune, rețineți că atunci când ne cereți să adăugăm o bibliotecă.

    Informații legale.
    Busybox și GNU ld în Cxxdroid APK sunt licențiate sub (L) GPL, trimiteți-ne un e-mail pentru codul sursă.
    Clang la pachet cu Cxxdroid are câteva modificări importante, dar sursa acestei furci este în prezent închisă. Nu permitem nici o reutilizare a acestei (sau a altei părți proprietare) a Cxxdroid în alte produse și vom considera aceasta o încălcare a drepturilor de autor. Binarele compilate cu Cxxdroid pot fi, de asemenea, supuse acestor restricții dacă sunt legate de bibliotecile noastre proprietare.
    Probele disponibile în aplicație sunt gratuite pentru utilizare educațională, cu o singură excepție: ele sau lucrările lor derivate nu pot fi utilizate în niciun produs concurent (în niciun fel). Dacă nu sunteți sigur, dacă aplicația dvs. este afectată de această restricție, solicitați întotdeauna permisiunea prin e-mail.
    Android este o marcă comercială a Google Inc.

  • Version2022-01-10

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.

    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn't crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).

    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting & themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.

    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.

    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.

    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger

    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.

    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2022-01-07
    Size:Varies with device

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Implemented Scoped Storage for Android 11+
    Added Storage Access Framework support for all Android versions

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2021-10-30
    Size:Varies with device

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Updated compiler and libraries
    Added C++17 support (including filesystem)
    Added dark theme support
    Fixed some bugs

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2021-10-28
    Size:Atšķiras atkarībā no ierīces

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Updated compiler and libraries
    Added C++17 support (including filesystem)
    Added dark theme support
    Fixed some bugs

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2021-10-26
    Size:Varies with device

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Updated compiler and libraries
    Added C++17 support (including filesystem)
    Added dark theme support
    Fixed some bugs

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2021-10-20
    Size:Varierer fra enhed til enhed

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Updated compiler and libraries
    Added C++17 support (including filesystem)
    Added dark theme support
    Fixed some bugs

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2021-09-06
    Size:Varies with device

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Compliance with subscription policy changes
    Added graphics libraries support (SDL2, SFML and Allegro)
    Added a feature to edit new file template
    Updated dependencies
    Fixed some unobvious "Trap" errors for non-compliant c code (made undefined behavior more "defined")

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement. Binaries compiled with Cxxdroid may be also a subject to these restrictions if they are linked to our proprietary libraries.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

  • Version2020-06-07
    Size:Variază în funcție de dispozitiv

    Aflați C și C ++ de programare cu cel mai ușor de utilizat C / C ++ IDE pe Google Play

    Update Log

    Compliance with subscription policy changes
    Added graphics libraries support (SDL2, SFML and Allegro)
    Added a feature to edit new file template
    Updated dependencies
    Fixed some unobvious "Trap" errors for non-compliant c code (made undefined behavior more "defined")

    App Description

    Cxxdroid is the most easy to use educational C and C++ IDE for Android.
    - Offline C/C++ compiler: no Internet is required to run C/C++ programs.
    - Package manager and a custom repository with prebuilt packages for common libraries, such as Boost, SQLite, ncurses, libcurl, etc.
    - Graphics libraries such as SDL2, SFML* and Allegro* are also available.
    - Examples available out-of-the-box for quicker learning.
    - Full-featured Terminal Emulator.
    - C/C++ interpreter mode (REPL) based on CERN Cling is also available.
    - Outstanding performance with advanced compiler caching technology: upto 33 times faster when Boost library is used, 3x average speedup.
    - Clean and mature architecture: now code is analyzed and compiled with the same compiler, and the IDE doesn\u0027t crash completely due to runtime errors in your programs :)
    - UI designed with speed and usability in mind: forget about unobvious shortcuts or touch button combos required just to run your program.
    - True compiler: no Java (or even Javascript) based interpreters involved, even inline assembler language is supported (Clang syntax).
    Editor features:
    - Real time code prediction, auto indentation and code analysis just like in any real IDE. *
    - Extended keyboard bar with all symbols you need to program in C++.
    - Syntax highlighting \u0026 themes.
    - Tabs.
    - One click share on Pastebin.
    * Features marked by asterisk are available in Premium version only.
    Important notice: Cxxdroid requires at least 150MB free internal memory. 200MB+ is recommended. More if you are using heavy libraries such as Boost.
    Take a part in development of Cxxdroid by reporting bugs or providing feature requests to us. We appreciate that.
    The list of features that are not yet available, but we are working to add them:
    - Debugger
    As Cxxdroid main goal is to help user learn C++ programming language, our first priority is porting common libraries, note that when asking us to add some library.
    Legal information.
    Busybox and GNU ld in Cxxdroid APK are licensed under (L)GPL, email us for the source code.
    Clang bundled with Cxxdroid has some important changes, but the source of this fork is currently closed. We are not allowing any reuse of this (or other proprietary) part of Cxxdroid in any other products and will consider this a copyright infringement.
    Samples available in the application are free for educational usage with one exception: they, or their derivative works, cannot be used in any competing products (in any way). If you are unsure, whether your app is affected by this restriction, always ask for a permission via email.
    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

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