"Maghreb" satellite television channel Magharebia independent.

"Maghreb" satellite channel talk shows and news is working to highlight the political, economic and social issues of concern to citizens in the Maghreb region.

It aims "Maghreb channel" through various information materials to build bridges between the peoples of the Maghreb region and contribute to the consecration of citizens 'right to access to the correct information and follow-up information service based sobriety and objectivity and Tertkzaaly professional and craft and guarantees freedom of expression and stand out others' opinions.
- "Maghreb" channel and provides informational service to Gmehoralamgarba strives to be a space to continue the peoples of the region, learn about through it on their reality without blackout or counterfeiting, and to rear him on the world and the developments of its peoples, also opens the way for the audience to contribute Bhrkith in support of human values ​​and promotion, and on her head freedom, equality, tolerance and human rights values.