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TINT - Photo Camera Retouch
10/04/2023 17:00 Delisted
Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan TINT! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan template mengagumkan.
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Version History

  • Version1.56.1

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan TINT! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan template mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    TINT adalah editor foto kelas atas yang diimpikan oleh semua penggemar kecantikan. Jelajahi koleksi kaya tampilan riasan trendi, filter foto glamor, dan alat retouching lainnya. Lepaskan kekuatan kamera Anda dan bawa game selfie Anda ke level selanjutnya.


    Foto 3D
    Buat foto 3D menakjubkan yang benar-benar menonjol! Tangkap selfie yang disempurnakan dan bagikan dengan mudah dengan teman atau keluarga Anda melalui semua jejaring sosial yang memungkinkan.

    Perbaikan Wajah
    Ratakan & cerahkan warna kulit Anda untuk mendapatkan kompleksi wajah yang sempurna dengan alat retouching TINT. Anda dapat menerapkan penyesuaian otomatis yang lembut, sedang, atau tertinggi atau membuat tampilan yang sepenuhnya dapat disesuaikan.

    Penampilan Rias
    Bermain-main dengan Glossy, Romance, Fresh, dan banyak riasan memukau lainnya dalam satu ketukan. Ubah mereka secara instan untuk melihat apa yang cocok dengan suasana hati kecantikan Anda saat ini dan selami visi diri Anda yang belum pernah dialami sebelumnya.

    Filter Foto
    Temukan perspektif baru foto Anda dengan menerapkan efek foto favorit kami: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, dan banyak lagi. Tambahkan sentuhan glamor dengan filter LUX atau aplikasikan Paladin untuk efek dramatis yang mewah.

    Kembar Selebriti
    Cukup unggah selfie Anda dan biarkan generator ajaib mencocokkan wajah Anda dengan kembaran selebriti Anda! Ribuan wajah selebriti ada di sini untuk dibandingkan dengan penampilan unik Anda dalam hitungan detik.

    Pewarnaan Mata
    Edit gambar apa pun secara instan dengan mengubah warna mata menjadi nada alami dan tidak realistis tergantung pada preferensi unik Anda. Tip berguna: oleskan Brown, Hazel, dan Honey ke mata cokelat alami Anda untuk menciptakan tampilan yang lebih dalam dan ekspresif. Gunakan Pacific, Blue, dan Sapphire untuk menekankan dan memperdalam warna biru alami Anda.

    Pewarnaan Rambut
    Terapkan lusinan pilihan warna rambut dari Lavender dan Ginger hingga nuansa Brunette dan Cokelat yang canggih. Simpan & bagikan foto Anda yang baru dengan komunitas! Selfie terbaik akan ditampilkan <3

    Latar Belakang
    Hirup kehidupan ke dalam foto Anda dengan lusinan latar belakang atmosfer: berpura-pura Anda bersenang-senang saat makan malam dengan filter Bar, atau terapkan filter Pantai untuk menyatakan bahwa Anda sedang berlibur, bawa kembali kenangan romantis musim semi dengan filter Fajar, atau gunakan latar belakang Galaxy untuk merasakan suasana "Star Wars".

    Pernahkah Anda bermimpi tentang riasan profesional oleh MUA? Ya? TINT hadir untuk membantu Anda. Ini mencakup koleksi unik dari tampilan realistis dan efek foto paling trendi, yang dirancang khusus untuk Anda oleh pakar kecantikan kami. Pilih tampilan baru dengan mudah, ubah warna rambut Anda, atau cukup rias bibir Anda dengan warna merah dan merasa seperti diva lagi.

    Tidak seperti editor foto lainnya, kamera TINT akan membantu mengambil selfie yang memuaskan dan tampak alami hanya dalam beberapa ketukan. Ada berbagai alat peningkat kecantikan yang dapat disesuaikan dengan intensitas filter yang berbeda agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Pemutihan gigi, pengubah warna rambut, pembentukan kontur wajah, penghalusan kulit, warna kulit, penyesuaian ukuran mata & hidung, pencahayaan, dan banyak lagi – semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menampilkan kecantikan sejati Anda dan mengambil foto selfie yang spektakuler, tidak pernah sama, dan benar-benar mengagumkan !

    Jika Anda pernah bermimpi melihat kembaran selebriti Anda, Anda tidak perlu mencari lebih jauh lagi, karena TINT siap menunjukkannya kepada Anda! Ini adalah aplikasi paling akurat di dunia untuk menemukan kemiripan wajah Anda. Ini cepat, mudah dan menyenangkan. Ambil selfie, dan kami akan melakukan sisanya. Dalam sedetik Anda akan bertemu kembaran selebriti Anda. Jika Anda tidak puas, cukup ketuk tombol Muat Ulang, dan kami akan menemukan pasangan terbaik Anda lagi.

    'Harus dimiliki oleh penggemar kecantikan!' — Charlie J., blogger

    Bermimpi tentang selfie yang menakjubkan?
    Hentikan waktu. Tetap cantik dengan TINT.

    Baca lebih lanjut tentang syarat dan ketentuan kami di sini:
    Persyaratan layanan: https://facemetrics.tech/terms/
    Kebijakan privasi: https://facemetrics.tech/privacy-policy/

  • Version1.56.0

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan BTQ! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan template mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    BTQ is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.
    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? BTQ is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, BTQ camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because BTQ is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with BTQ.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:
    Terms of service: https://banubafilters.com/btq-terms
    Privacy policy: https://banubafilters.com/btq-privacy

  • Version1.55.4

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.55.2

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.55.0

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.54.2

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.54.1

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Bug fixes and performance improvements

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.54.0

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Hi, beauty junkies!
    Summer is here and you need to be ready to soak up all the sun. So in this update, we added numerous juicy lip gloss shades lined up to give your lips the biggest makeover yet.
    Also, in this update, we’ve squashed some annoying bugs that popped up in our latest update - thanks for your help!
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.53.0

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

  • Version1.52.0

    Perbaiki gambar apa pun dengan Easysnap! Nikmati tampilan riasan dan templat yang mengagumkan.

    Update Log

    Heads up, selfie lovers!
    We are updating the app regularly to make it even better.
    Here’s what's new:
    ★ Bug fixes and performance improvements.
    We would appreciate it if you can spare just a moment to review our app on Google Play!

    App Description

    Easysnap is the high-end photo editor all beauty buffs dream about. Explore a rich collection of trendy makeup looks, glam photo filters, and other retouching tools. Unleash the power of your camera and take your selfie game to the next level.
    🤳3D Photo
    Create stunning 3D photos that really pop! Capture depth-enhanced selfies and easily share them with your friends or family via all possible social networks.
    🌈 Face Retouch
    Smooth \u0026 brighten your skin tone to get a flawless face complexion with Easysnap retouching tools. You can either apply soft, moderate, or supreme auto adjustments or create a fully customizable look.
    💄 Makeup Looks
    Play around with Glossy, Romance, Fresh and a ton of other mesmerizing makeup looks in a single tap. Change them instantly to see what matches your current beauty mood and dive into the never-experienced-before vision of yourself.
    💃 Photo Filters
    Discover new perspectives of your photos by applying our favorite photo effects: Glitch, Retro, Chroma, Sunset, Grunge, and more. Add a touch of glam with a LUX filter or apply Paladin for a fancy dramatic effect.

    🎭 Celebrity Twin
    Simply upload your selfie and let the magic generator match your face with your celebrity twin! Thousands of celebrities\u0027 faces are here to be compared to your unique appearance in seconds.
    🤩 Eye Coloring
    Instantly edit any picture by changing eye color to both natural and unrealistic tones depending on your unique preferences. Useful tip: apply Brown, Hazel, and Honey to your natural brown eyes to create a deeper and more expressive look. Use Pacific, Blue, and Sapphire to emphasize and deepen your natural blue.
    🧑‍🦰 Hair Coloring
    Apply dozens of hair color options from Lavender and Ginger to sophisticated Brunette and Chocolate shades. Save \u0026 share a picture of a new you with the community! The best selfie will be featured \u003c3
    🌄 Backdrop
    Breathe life into your photos with dozens of atmospheric backdrops: pretend you are having fun at a dinner with a Bar filter, or apply Beach filter to state that you are on vacation, bring back romantic memories of spring with Dawn filter, or use Galaxy background to feel the \"Star Wars\" ambiance.
    Have you ever dreamt about professional makeup by MUA? Yes? Easysnap is here to help you. It includes a unique collection of the most trendy realistic-looking looks and photo effects, which were designed especially for you by our beauty experts. Easily choose a new look, change your hair color, or just simply dress your lips in red and feel like a diva again.
    Unlike other photo editors, Easysnap camera will help to take a satisfying and natural-looking selfie in just a few taps. There are various beauty-enhancing tools that can be tweaked to different filter intensities to fit your needs. Teeth whitening, hair color changer, facial contouring, skin smoothing, skin tone, eye-size \u0026 nose-size adjustments, lighting, and more – everything you need to showcase your true beauty and take a spectacular, never the same, totally awesome selfie!
    If you\u0027ve ever dreamed of seeing your celebrity twin, you don\u0027t need to look any further, because Easysnap is ready to show it to you! It\u0027s the most accurate app in the world to find your face look alike. It\u0027s fast, easy and fun. Take selfies, and we\u0027ll do the rest. In a second you\u0027ll meet your celebrity twin. If you are not satisfied, just tap on the Reload button, and we\u0027ll find your best match again.
    \u0027A must-have for beauty buffs!\u0027 — Charlie J., blogger
    Dreamed about stunning selfies?
    Stop time. Stay beautiful with Easysnap.
    Read more about our terms and conditions here:

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