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Unlock your mind
Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla
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2024 years
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Version History

  • Version6.0.7

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    App Description

    Haluatko päästä eroon alitajuntaasi rajoittavista ajatuksista?

    Avaa mieltäsi on sovellus, joka on suunniteltu vaikuttamaan positiivisesti alitajuntaan motivoivien lainausten ja positiivisten lauseiden avulla . Voit tehdä tämän joka kerta, kun matkapuhelimen tai tabletin näyttö avataan, voit nähdä kuvia, joissa on lauseita, jotka auttavat stimuloimaan tietoisuutta mielesi ja alitajuntasi välillä .

    Siksi päätimme luoda tehokkaan menetelmän kenenkään käyttöön elämän muuttamiseksi ja tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi.

    Ajatuksemme ovat erittäin voimakkaita, niiden kautta voimme houkutella tai vieraantua ihmisiä, tilanteita ja mahdollisuuksia. Huonot ajatukset aiheuttavat ahdistusta, surua ja houkuttelevat sitä, mitä pelkäämme tapahtuvan meille.

    Autosuggestion-menetelmän avulla voimme viedä positiivisia ajatuksia alitajuntaan , nämä hallitsevat ajatukset, jotka pysyvät tietoisessa mielessä, saavuttavat alitajunnan ja vaikuttavat siihen.

    UnlockYourMind on sovellus, joka auttaa sinua poistamaan "henkisen roskan", joka pitää sinut negatiivisissa ajatuksissa ja tunteissa, poissa itsensä tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista. Se stimuloi tietoisen mielen ja alitajunnan välistä viestintää, mikä on tehokas työkalu tiellä menestykseen, onnellisuuteen, terveyteen, rakkauteen ja rikkauteen.

    Olitpa yksi niistä ihmisistä, jotka rakastavat henkilökohtaista kehitystä , uskovat mielen potentiaaliin ja itsensä parantamiseen tai yksinkertaisesti rakastavat motivoivat lauseet ja positiiviset lainaukset , Unlock Your Mind on suunniteltu sinulle ja se auttaa sinua kouluttamaan aivojasi

    Se on hyvin helppokäyttöinen ja intuitiivinen, ja näet kaikki kuvat eri luokat, jotka olemme luoneet ja jotka uskomme olevan tärkeimpiä elämässä: Rakkaus / Ihmissuhteet, Ystävyyssuhteet, Liiketoiminta / Yritys, Raha / runsaus ja terveys / terveellinen elämä . Lisäksi olemme luoneet motivaatioluokan motivaatiolausekkeiden ystäville

    Tämän sovelluksen todellinen potentiaali on kuitenkin se, että voit asettaa lukitusnäytön. Asettamalla "lauseen esto" -luokan, aina kun avaat laitteen (matkapuhelimen tai tabletin) lukituksen, näet kuvan, jonka lause on suunniteltu ja muotoiltu vahvistamaan alitajuntaasi kaikissa edellä mainituissa luokissa.

    Kuvia voidaan käyttää myös taustakuvana ja jakaa sosiaalisissa suosikkiverkostoissasi. Sinun tarvitsee vain ladata ne etukäteen.

    Miksi kannattaa käyttää lukituksen mieltäsi?

    - Helppo käyttää.
    - Se on hauskaa, nautittavaa ja auttaa henkilökohtaista kasvua.
    - "Pakotat" itsesi lukemaan positiivisia lauseita joka kerta, kun avaat matkapuhelimesi näytön.
    - Säästä aikaa ja vaivaa.
    - Voit jakaa parhaat motivoivat ja itsensä parantavat lauseet ystävien ja perheen kanssa.
    - Lisäksi siinä on rentouttavia instrumentteja, ääniä nukkumaan ja mietiskelemään. Voit myös nauttia äänentoistosta kannustamaan alitajuntaasi ja lisäämään henkistä voimaa.

    Avaa mielesi -toiminto:

    - Kun avaat näytön lukituksen, lue nämä lainaukset hitaalla, pehmeällä äänellä toistamalla jokainen lausunto pari kertaa.
    - Tunne todella jokaisen tarjouksen merkitys. Anna sen uppoaa alitajuntaan syvälle ja läheisesti.
    - Toista nämä lainaukset koko päivän ajan parempien ja nopeampien tulosten saavuttamiseksi.

    Ohjelmoi mielesi, alitajuntasi voima ja alitajunnan harjoittelu uudelleen.

    Vaadittu lupa:

    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Tarvitset tallennusoikeuden kuvien lataamiseen.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED aloittaaksesi UnlockYourMind-toiminnon, kun käynnistät puhelimen (tai käynnistät sen uudelleen).

    Ehdot ja yksityisyys:

    Ota yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää tai ehdotuksia tästä sovelluksesta: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - tai ota meihin yhteyttä osoitteessa: [email protected]

  • Version6.0.6

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?

    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.

    That's why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.

    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.

    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.

    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the "mental garbage" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.

    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain

    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.

    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a "Phrase Blocker" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.

    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.

    Why use Unlock Your Mind?

    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You "force" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.

    Reprogram your mind, subconscious mind power and subconscious training.

    Permission required:

    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:

    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

  • Version5.0.9

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?
    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.
    That\u0027s why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.
    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.
    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.
    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the \"mental garbage\" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.
    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain
    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.
    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a \"Phrase Blocker\" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.
    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.
    Why use Unlock Your Mind?
    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You \"force\" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.
    Reprogram your mind, subconscious mind power and subconscious training.
    Permission required:
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE \u0026 READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:
    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

  • Version5.0.8

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?
    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.
    That\u0027s why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.
    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.
    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.
    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the \"mental garbage\" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.
    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain
    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.
    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a \"Phrase Blocker\" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.
    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.
    Why use Unlock Your Mind?
    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You \"force\" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.
    Reprogram your mind, subconscious mind power and subconscious training.
    Permission required:
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE \u0026 READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:
    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

  • Version5.0.7

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

  • Version5.0.6

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

  • Version5.0.5

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

  • Version5.0.3

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?
    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.
    That's why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.
    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.
    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.
    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the "mental garbage" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.
    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain
    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.
    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a "Phrase Blocker" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.
    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.
    Why use Unlock Your Mind?
    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You "force" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.
    Reprogram your mind and reprogramming mind. Subconscious mind power and subconscious training.
    Permission required:
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:
    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

  • Version5.0.1

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?
    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.
    That's why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.
    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.
    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.
    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the "mental garbage" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.
    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain
    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.
    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a "Phrase Blocker" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.
    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.
    Why use Unlock Your Mind?
    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You "force" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.
    Reprogram your mind and reprogramming mind. Subconscious mind power and subconscious training.
    Permission required:
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:
    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

  • Version4.0.9

    Hanki positiivinen ja koulutettu alitajuntaan liittyvä mieli motivoivilla lauseilla

    Update Log

    - New features available.
    - New audios were added to stimulate your subconscious and increase your mental power.
    - Bug fixes and performance improvements.

    App Description

    Would you like to get rid of the limiting thoughts of your subconscious mind?
    Unlock Your Mind is an application designed to positively influence the subconscious mind through motivational quotes and positive phrases. To do this, each time the screen of a mobile phone or tablet is unlocked, you will be able to see images with phrases that will help stimulate communication between your conscious mind and subconscious.
    That's why we decided to create a powerful method for anyone to use to change their lives and achieve their goals.
    Our thoughts are very powerful, through them we can attract or alienate people, situations and opportunities. Bad thoughts provoke anguish, sadness and attract what we fear will happen to us.
    Through the autosuggestion method, we can introduce positive thoughts into the subconscious mind, these dominant thoughts that remain in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind and influence it.
    UnlockYourMind is an application that helps you eliminate the "mental garbage" that keeps you in negative thoughts and feelings, away from the opportunities that present themselves. It stimulates communication between the conscious mind and the subconscious, being a powerful tool on the road to success, happiness, health, love and wealth.
    Whether you are one of those people who love personal development, believe in the potential of the mind and self-healing, or simply love motivational phrases and positive quotes, Unlock Your Mind is designed for you and it will help you train your brain
    It is very simple to use and intuitive, you will be able to see all the images of the different categories that we have created and what we believe are the most important in life: Love/Relationships, Friendships, Business/Corporate, Money/Abundance and Health/Healthy Life. In addition, we have created a Motivation category for lovers of motivational phrases.
    However, the real potential of this application is that it allows you to set up a lock screen. By setting up a "Phrase Blocker" category, each time you unlock your device (mobile phone or tablet), you will see an image with a phrase thought out and crafted to strengthen your subconscious mind in any of the different categories listed above.
    The images can also be used as wallpaper and shared on your favorite social networks. You simply have to download them beforehand.
    Why use Unlock Your Mind?
    - Easy to use.
    - It is fun, enjoyable and helps your personal growth.
    - You "force" yourself to read positive phrases every time you unlock your mobile phone screen.
    - Save time and effort.
    - You can share the best motivational and self-improvement phrases with your friends and family.
    - In addition, it has relaxing instruments, audios to sleep and meditate. You can also enjoy audios to stimulate your subconscious and boost your mental power.

    Unlock Your Mind operation:

    - When you unlock your screen, read these quotes in a slow, soft voice, repeating each statement a couple of times.
    - Really feel the meaning of each quote. Let it sink into your subconscious mind deeply and intimately.
    - Throughout the day repeat these quotes for better and faster results.
    Reprogram your mind and reprogramming mind. Subconscious mind power and subconscious training.
    Permission required:
    WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE & READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE You need storage permission to download the images.
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED to start UnlockYourMind when you turn on (or restart) your phone.

    Terms and conditions / Privacy:
    Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about this application: https://www.unlockyourmind.app/ - or contact us at: [email protected]

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