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Pixolor - Live Color Picker
Alat Penetes Mata Langsung: Perbesar ke tingkat piksel dan pilih warna dari layar Anda!
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Version History

  • Version1.4.21

    Alat Penetes Mata Langsung: Perbesar ke tingkat piksel dan pilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes

    App Description

    Pixolor adalah lingkaran yang mengambang di atas aplikasi Anda yang menunjukkan tampilan piksel dasar yang diperbesar, termasuk informasi warna dan koordinat piksel pusat.

    Salah satu dari 20 Aplikasi Android Terbaik 2015 dari Android Police

    Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi ini, pertimbangkan untuk mendukung kami dengan membeli fitur "Hapus Iklan".

    FAQ CEPAT: jika Anda ingin menyalin kode ke clipboard, silakan gunakan tombol Bagikan di notifikasi. Atau, ketuk tepat di luar overlay lingkaran (pojok kiri bawah atau kanan atas).

    Aplikasi ini terutama untuk desainer untuk mengetahui informasi tingkat piksel teknis. Ini juga berguna untuk orang dengan penglihatan buruk yang ingin memperbesar bagian layar dengan mudah (misalnya untuk membaca teks dengan lebih mudah).

    Membutuhkan Android Lollipop (5.0) atau lebih tinggi.

    Catatan: Untuk perangkat Xiaomi (MIUI), harap aktifkan izin overlay di pengaturan sistem aplikasi.

    Masalah yang diketahui: Pada beberapa perangkat (mis. K3 Note yang menjalankan Android 5.0), saat overlay lingkaran ditampilkan, bagian layar lainnya akan diredupkan secara otomatis dan ini dapat menyebabkan warna yang dikenali menjadi lebih gelap dari yang sebenarnya. Sayangnya tidak ada cara untuk memperbaiki ini.

    Teman iPhone Anda akan iri saat menyadari teknologi ini tidak mungkin dilakukan di perangkat mereka :)


    ★ Mengetahui kode warna (RGB) atau koordinat (DIP) dari setiap piksel pada layar
    ★ Ketahui ukuran (DIP) wilayah mana pun di layar - sebelum Anda melepaskan lingkaran, Anda akan melihat jarak x/y diseret
    ★ Ketahui Warna Desain Material terdekat dengan warna fokus
    ★ Pelajari susunan piksel
    ★ Bagikan tangkapan layar atau gambar melingkar ke aplikasi lain (misalnya, kirim melalui email) - tekan lama pada thumbnail
    ★ Memperbesar teks yang sulit dibaca. Sangat berguna bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki penglihatan yang sempurna
    ★ Hasilkan palet warna dari tangkapan layar terbaru atau bagian perbesaran lingkaran terbaru
    ★ Bagikan area layar yang dipotong - fokuskan overlay pada satu sudut, lalu seret overlay ke sudut yang berlawanan. Anda akan melihat thumbnail dari wilayah yang diseret di layar utama. Tekan lama untuk membagikan gambar!

    Fitur lainnya:

    ★ Jepit untuk memperbesar
    ★ Panning halus menggunakan dua jari (setelah itu bebas melepaskan satu jari)
    ★ Ketuk lingkaran luar (kiri bawah atau kanan atas) untuk menyalin warna RGB ke papan klip
    ★ Ubin Setelan Cepat untuk menghidupkan/mematikan
    ★ Pemilih warna Hue Wheel
    ★ Notifikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk: menyembunyikan/menampilkan overlay; keluar dari aplikasi; bagikan kode warna terbaru dengan aplikasi lain

    Harap diperhatikan: aplikasi ini menampilkan iklan setelah periode awal bebas iklan. Anda memiliki opsi untuk menonaktifkan iklan dengan melakukan pembayaran kecil dalam aplikasi satu kali. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda.


    ★ Pixolor mengambil satu tangkapan layar setiap kali Anda meletakkan jari di lingkaran. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kemunculan singkat icon status bar Chromecast. Saat ikon Chromecast tidak terlihat, bisa dipastikan tidak ada aplikasi yang membaca layar.
    ★ Data tangkapan layar yang diambil tidak pernah dikirim (sepenuhnya atau sebagian) dari perangkat Anda atau disediakan di luar aplikasi. Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk ini adalah saat Anda membagikan gambar secara eksplisit (tekan lama pada thumbnail), dalam hal ini akan dibagikan dengan cara yang Anda minta.

    Izin dijelaskan di FAQ situs web kami: https://hanpingchinese.com/faq/#permissions-pixolor

    Ikon Peluncur (v1.0.8 dan yang lebih baru): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.18

    Alat Penetes Mata Langsung: Perbesar ke tingkat piksel dan pilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes

    App Description

    Pixolor adalah lingkaran yang mengambang di atas aplikasi Anda yang menunjukkan tampilan piksel dasar yang diperbesar, termasuk informasi warna dan koordinat piksel pusat.

    Salah satu dari 20 Aplikasi Android Terbaik 2015 dari Android Police

    Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi ini, pertimbangkan untuk mendukung kami dengan membeli fitur "Hapus Iklan".

    FAQ CEPAT: jika Anda ingin menyalin kode ke clipboard, silakan gunakan tombol Bagikan di notifikasi. Atau, ketuk tepat di luar overlay lingkaran (pojok kiri bawah atau kanan atas).

    Aplikasi ini terutama untuk desainer untuk mengetahui informasi tingkat piksel teknis. Ini juga berguna untuk orang dengan penglihatan buruk yang ingin memperbesar bagian layar dengan mudah (misalnya untuk membaca teks dengan lebih mudah).

    Membutuhkan Android Lollipop (5.0) atau lebih tinggi.

    Catatan: Untuk perangkat Xiaomi (MIUI), harap aktifkan izin overlay di pengaturan sistem aplikasi.

    Masalah yang diketahui: Pada beberapa perangkat (mis. K3 Note yang menjalankan Android 5.0), saat overlay lingkaran ditampilkan, bagian layar lainnya akan diredupkan secara otomatis dan ini dapat menyebabkan warna yang dikenali menjadi lebih gelap dari yang sebenarnya. Sayangnya tidak ada cara untuk memperbaiki ini.

    Teman iPhone Anda akan iri saat menyadari teknologi ini tidak mungkin dilakukan di perangkat mereka :)


    ★ Mengetahui kode warna (RGB) atau koordinat (DIP) dari setiap piksel pada layar
    ★ Ketahui ukuran (DIP) wilayah mana pun di layar - sebelum Anda melepaskan lingkaran, Anda akan melihat jarak x/y diseret
    ★ Ketahui Warna Desain Material terdekat dengan warna fokus
    ★ Pelajari susunan piksel
    ★ Bagikan tangkapan layar atau gambar melingkar ke aplikasi lain (misalnya, kirim melalui email) - tekan lama pada thumbnail
    ★ Memperbesar teks yang sulit dibaca. Sangat berguna bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki penglihatan yang sempurna
    ★ Hasilkan palet warna dari tangkapan layar terbaru atau bagian perbesaran lingkaran terbaru
    ★ Bagikan area layar yang dipotong - fokuskan overlay pada satu sudut, lalu seret overlay ke sudut yang berlawanan. Anda akan melihat thumbnail dari wilayah yang diseret di layar utama. Tekan lama untuk membagikan gambar!

    Fitur lainnya:

    ★ Jepit untuk memperbesar
    ★ Panning halus menggunakan dua jari (setelah itu bebas melepaskan satu jari)
    ★ Ketuk lingkaran luar (kiri bawah atau kanan atas) untuk menyalin warna RGB ke papan klip
    ★ Ubin Setelan Cepat untuk menghidupkan/mematikan
    ★ Pemilih warna Hue Wheel
    ★ Notifikasi memungkinkan Anda untuk: menyembunyikan/menampilkan overlay; keluar dari aplikasi; bagikan kode warna terbaru dengan aplikasi lain

    Harap diperhatikan: aplikasi ini menampilkan iklan setelah periode awal bebas iklan. Anda memiliki opsi untuk menonaktifkan iklan dengan melakukan pembayaran kecil dalam aplikasi satu kali. Terima kasih atas dukungan Anda.


    ★ Pixolor mengambil satu tangkapan layar setiap kali Anda meletakkan jari di lingkaran. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kemunculan singkat icon status bar Chromecast. Saat ikon Chromecast tidak terlihat, bisa dipastikan tidak ada aplikasi yang membaca layar.
    ★ Data tangkapan layar yang diambil tidak pernah dikirim (sepenuhnya atau sebagian) dari perangkat Anda atau disediakan di luar aplikasi. Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk ini adalah saat Anda membagikan gambar secara eksplisit (tekan lama pada thumbnail), dalam hal ini akan dibagikan dengan cara yang Anda minta.

    Izin dijelaskan di FAQ situs web kami: https://hanpingchinese.com/faq/#permissions-pixolor

    Ikon Peluncur (v1.0.8 dan yang lebih baru): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.16

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    Bug fixes

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.15

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • Android 13 requires user to allow Notifications

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.14

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • Easier to copy color code to clipboard via notification button
    • Fixed issue with notifications on MIUI devices

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.13

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • Easier to copy color code to clipboard via notification button
    • Fixed issue with notifications on MIUI devices

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.11

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • In-app donation bug fix
    • Added facebook page to main screen

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.10

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • In-app donation bug fix
    • Added facebook page to main screen

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.7

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    • Minor bug fixes

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

  • Version1.4.4

    Hidup Eye-Dropper Tool: Zoom ke tingkat piksel dan memilih warna dari layar Anda!

    Update Log

    A couple of users have reported a crash on launch after the recent updates. I'm still investigating this. One possible workaround is to reinstall Pixolor. If you are experiencing this, please email me so I know if reinstalling helps or not. [email protected]

    App Description

    Pixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

    One of Android Police's 20 Best Android Apps of 2015

    If you like the app, please consider supporting us by purchasing the "Remove Ads" feature.

    QUICK FAQ: if you want to copy the code to clipboard please use the Share button in the notification. Alternatively, tap just outside the circle overlay (bottom-left or top-right corner).

    This app is mainly for designers to know technical pixel-level information. It is also useful for people with poor eyesight who want to effortlessly zoom in on parts of the screen (e.g. to read text more easily).

    Requires Android Lollipop (5.0) or higher.

    Note: For Xiaomi (MIUI) devices, please enable the overlay permission in the app's system settings.

    Known issue: On some devices (e.g. K3 Note running Android 5.0), when the circle overlay is shown, the rest of the screen is auto-dimmed and this can cause the recognized colors to be darker than they actually are. There is no way to rectify this unfortunately.

    Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realise this technology is not possible on their devices :)


    ★ Know the color code (RGB) or coordinates (DIP) of any pixel on the screen
    ★ Know the size (DIPs) of any region of the screen - before you release the circle you will see the x/y distance dragged
    ★ Know the nearest Material Design Color to the focus color
    ★ Study pixel arrangement
    ★ Share screenshot or circular image to another app (e.g. send by email) - long press on thumbnail
    ★ Enlarge hard-to-read text. Very handy for those with not so perfect eyesight
    ★ Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section
    ★ Share a cropped area of the screen - focus overlay on one corner, then drag overlay to opposite corner. You will see thumbnail of the dragged region in the main screen. Long-press to share the image!

    Other features:

    ★ Pinch-to-zoom
    ★ Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
    ★ Tap outside circle (bottom-left or top-right) to copy color RGB to clipboard
    ★ Quick Settings Tile to toggle on/off
    ★ Hue Wheel color picker
    ★ Notification allowing you to: hide/show overlay; quit application; share latest color code with other apps

    Please note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment. Thank you for your support.


    ★ Pixolor takes a single screenshot each time you place your finger on the circle. This is indicated by the brief appearance of the Chromecast status bar icon. When the Chromecast icon is not visible, you can be sure no app is reading the screen.
    ★ Captured screenshot data is never sent (in full or part) from your device or made available outside of the app. The only exception to this is when you explicitly share the image (long-press on thumbnail), in which case it will be shared in the way you request.

    Here is a list of known unsupported devices (they are unable to capture screen contents properly):
    * Any device running pre-Lollipop (5.0)
    * Cm_Micromax Canvas A104 (HOL-U19) userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48W
    * Huawei P8 (GRA-L09) (5.0)
    * Samsung Galaxy S3 (m0) (5.1)
    * Samsung Galaxy S2 (CM 12.1) (5.1.1)

    Launcher Icon (v1.0.8 and later): Vukašin Anđelković

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