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Polaris Office: Edit&View, PDF
Android's Mobile Office : Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF, TXT + Zip file
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What's up with your 60Second advert anytime I open a document.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

Dear. Customer, Sorry for your inconvenience.The Polaris Office display the advertisements to keep the high quality and function.For ad removal, you can make a one-time payment within the app or subscribe to the Smart or Pro / AI / AI Plus service to use it without ads. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the usage. -Polaris Office-

07/01/2024 23:08:41

Watch ads for what's basic browser functionality on PC? No thanks

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

"Dear Customer, this is Polaris Office. We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while using Polaris Office.
We will work hard for more satisfying functions and services. If you have any improvements or inconveniences, please contact the customer service center for setting up the Polaris Office app. -Polaris Office-"

07/01/2024 15:14:21

I watch the ad, and it still won't let me use it. Garbage app now that ads block me from using it

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

안녕하세요 고객님, Polaris Office입니다. 이용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.Polaris Office는 현재 주로 광고 수익으로 운영되고 있으며, 고객님께 더 나은 서비스 제공 및 제품안정성을 확보하기 위해 본 광고를 집행하고 있는 점 양해 부탁 드립니다. Polaris Office는 고객님의 사용성 불편함을 최소화 하고자 노출횟수 조정 등의 제한적 운영을 실시하고 있으며, '광고제거' 단품을 별도로 구매하시거나 구독을 진행해주시면 광고 없이 편히 이용하실 수 있습니다. 고객님께서 말씀 주신 소중한 의견은 추후 광고집행 개선작업에 반영하도록 하겠습니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. -Polaris Office-

06/29/2024 02:12:10

Subscribing to Pro. Generally it works well enough. However it's becoming a bug that often it will hang trying to open when offline as it can't download the ad I thought I had paid not to see, for the AI which I don't want and which isn't available yet anyway. If I'm somewhere I can't use the Internet (some secure servers room for example) it's extremely unhelpful. If the app works properly again I will continue to pay. If it doesn't there are others who will take my money.

3 0
06/27/2024 21:10:56

Too many ads

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

"Dear Customer, this is Polaris Office. We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while using Polaris Office.
We will work hard for more satisfying functions and services. If you have any improvements or inconveniences, please contact the customer service center for setting up the Polaris Office app. -Polaris Office-"

06/27/2024 14:14:42

Got a 4 minute add.. no thanks lol

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

"Dear Customer, this is Polaris Office. We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while using Polaris Office.
We will work hard for more satisfying functions and services. If you have any improvements or inconveniences, please contact the customer service center for setting up the Polaris Office app. -Polaris Office-"

06/26/2024 15:53:41

Used for few years. Now it just displays ads View is covered by ads that destroyed the aplication. Removed

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Dear. Customer, Sorry for your inconvenience.The Polaris Office display the advertisements to keep the high quality and function.For ad removal, you can make a one-time payment within the app or subscribe to the Smart or Pro / AI / AI Plus service to use it without ads. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the usage. -Polaris Office-

06/26/2024 03:30:57

The most ad-ridden app I've ever used.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Dear. Customer, Sorry for your inconvenience.The Polaris Office display the advertisements to keep the high quality and function.For ad removal, you can make a one-time payment within the app or subscribe to the Smart or Pro / AI / AI Plus service to use it without ads. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the usage. -Polaris Office-

06/26/2024 02:18:44

I don't appreciate the automatic foreign app install when an ad pops up. Bypassing the Google Play store is predatory. If an identity theft incident occurs as a result of this, you will be held accountable. Do better...

1 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Dear Customer, this is Polaris Office. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. To improve the issue, could you tell us the specific details of the error phenomenon through 'Settings' > 'Contact Customer Support' in the app? We apologize for the inconvenience Thank you. -Polaris Office-

06/25/2024 00:47:09

별점 1점 주기도 아깝다. 광고가 앱을 조졌네

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

안녕하세요 고객님, Polaris Office입니다. 이용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.Polaris Office는 현재 주로 광고 수익으로 운영되고 있으며, 고객님께 더 나은 서비스 제공 및 제품안정성을 확보하기 위해 본 광고를 집행하고 있는 점 양해 부탁 드립니다. Polaris Office는 고객님의 사용성 불편함을 최소화 하고자 노출횟수 조정 등의 제한적 운영을 실시하고 있으며, '광고제거' 단품을 별도로 구매하시거나 구독을 진행해주시면 광고 없이 편히 이용하실 수 있습니다. 고객님께서 말씀 주신 소중한 의견은 추후 광고집행 개선작업에 반영하도록 하겠습니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. -Polaris Office-

06/24/2024 20:31:42
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