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Voxer Walkie Talkie Messenger
A Walkie Talkie App for teams with live voice, text, photos, & location sharing
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Images on messages R poor quality, so blurry u cant even read. We should B able to TAG MESSAGES to B able to communicate more effectibly, like we do on Whatsapp, Messenger, etc. That should be a BASIC VERY NECESSARY feature. The voice sound of voicemails is incredibly POOR. Needs to B fixed ASAP! Theres a glitch when i send a long message & separate paragraphs in the same message, when i click Send, the sent message appears all clumped up in only one paragraph. No way to send PDFs on the ph app!

0 0
07/08/2024 14:58:42

One of the most buggy apps I have used in recent memory. Several major features broke recently including recording via Bluetooth

06/27/2024 06:47:16

***NEW*** 6/27 vox logo for app is gone now. Just gray droid logo ***UPDATE*** 3/22/24 app isn't playing messages. Just spins and nothing plays. Been since yesterday 7/13/21 - Voxer alerts of new messages, but when opening the app nothing shows for like 20 minutes. Please fix 8/22/19. Speed option for voxes not working uninstall amd reinstall dod not work. Not showing photos on new Pixel 3. They show small thumbs but not large when I click on them

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/13/2021

Hi there - Can you please send in a ticket to support via the app so we can help troubleshoot and/or escalate this to engineering?

06/26/2024 23:10:08

The online website for sign-up didn't work so couldn't use app. Tried on multiple devices and experienced the same issues.

06/24/2024 03:27:35

If I didn't have to use this app for work, I wouldn't. It is glitchy, voice notes and messages sometimes take forever to send/receive. Just horrible for an app in 2024. Gave 2 stars because I do like the idea of the app and when it does load and work properly, it is good. Please fix these issues.

06/19/2024 23:58:12
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