SuperWidget is an easy app to create widgets using values coming from the Shortcuts app, or even a custom API. With SuperWidgets you can combine the power of Shortcuts and third-party APIs to track the days remaining to a date, the number of steps you took during the day, how many customers are signing up for your e-commerce... BEAUTIFUL USER INTERFACE Create widgets easily with a graphical user interface, without the need to write any code. WORKS WITH SHORTCUTS Anything in the Shortcuts app can be passed as a value to a widget in SuperWidget, enabling an unlimited creativity. COLLECT DATA FROM APIs You can finally track data coming from an API in your home and lock screens, simply paste the URL and navigate the payload. All that without writing a single line of code. GREAT SUPPORT We love hearing from you! If you need any help, have a question, or want to suggest a new feature, please email us at [email protected]