Features: 1. Create checklist from rich built-in templates 2. Dark Mode for iOS 13 3. Quickly check your task one-by-one with a tap. Designed for your recurring tasks. 4. Sync between devices. Support Handoff 5. Voice input for multiple tasks 6. Speak your checklist ( with different language, speed and media control with lock screen) 7. Task attachments: image, location, text notes, link, link between lists and more) 8. Countdown Days. ( countdown the days in future, remember days passed ) 9. Pomodoro Clock / Customizable Timer. With time management support - record the time elapsed for a task 10. Task - Amount. for your trip packing, workout logging and more 11. Map list. View all locations in your list on map. 12. Easily share your list with your friends, family and co-workers. export list as image, PDF, HTML or well-formatted text ( 7 formats include markdown ). Via airdrop. 13. Customize your checklist: Repeat reminders, priority, icons, language, drag and drop to move tasks, etc… 14. FaceID/TouchID to unlock 15. Rich Gestures. Tap, Long Press, Swipe, Double Finger Swipe, Pinch, Pan to quickly access features. 16. Tag management. Flexible way to group your lists. Customizable tag icon. Trash and Archive supported. 17. Import list from other apps (Notes, Bear, Reminders etc...). Support plain text or markdown. Import via different ways: copy to pasteboard, via share extension, airdrop 18. Share Extension. Share lists, text, link, location, image from any APP ( Safari, Maps, Photos, Notes and any APP support share ) to Recheck! 19. Siri Shortcut support. Use hi siri to open lists. 20. Search checklist ( pull down to search or use iOS Spotlight search) 21. Search task in checklist ( good for item management ) 22. Today Widget 23. Watch APP 24. Support iPad features: Landscape Screen, Slide Over, Split Screen, External Keyboard Shortcuts and more 25. URL Scheme to open, create list 26. Create your own checklist template. Reuse your lists. 27. Crafted user experiences and continuing updates Hope you like it. Feel free to let me know your feedback, feature requests, bug reports. Email: [email protected] Instagram: RecheckApp Ted