Add video, live and still photos together into a single video. Optionally apply wipe transitions. Add audio to any video soundtrack. Replace video audio: the video will be re-encoded to fit existing frames to match the audio duration. In this way you can create cool video effects by implicitly varying frame rate. Reverses video & audio. Crop audio by cropping video then save audio. Use option ‘First Selected Media Item Audio’ as the audio source of media menu actions: - Replace Audio - Add Audio - Add Audio From Current Time Live and still photos are converted to video for adding. Use video actions to: Filter Trim Crop Rotate Label Overlay Video or Image Use media actions menu to: Combine videos 2 vertically, 2 horizontal or 4 square. The picker table at the top lists all your Photo albums. Select an album by tapping a row. The album contents are displayed below the table in a single row collection. Tap on media items in that collection to add them to the media items collection below it for editing and adding together. Use the media actions menu to import photos and video from iCloud. Paste photos. Tap on rightmost button to access the media actions menu. AddMovie supports receiving from other apps with their share menu. Tap on a media item to play its video. When the video displays 'tap and hold' on it to bring up the video actions menu. The video actions menu is also available in the media actions menu (tap the right most bottom button). Operations available in the video actions menu include: • Add and replace audio and music tracks • Trim, crop and rotate videos • Labelling videos • Video frame filtering • Apply overlay images to video frames • Time scale videos to expand or contract them from 0.1 to 2 times original duration All of the video app previews for AddMovie were made with AddMovie. The following features were especially useful for making the video app previews: • Access to video clips and live photos in the Photos library • Trimming videos 'to' and 'from' the current video player time • Using the 1080p and 3:4 quality option to meet app preview video size and frame rate requirements • Adding and replacing video audio • Overlays and use of overlay template creation • Labelling with editable font styles • Duplicating items • Saving video frames to Photos • Wipe transitions • Drag and drop within the media actions collection • Item info that includes video size and duration • Showing video dimension labels for media collection • 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' • Saving and loading videos form iCloud • Convenience of built-in audio Filters: AddMovie can be used to apply filters to video frames. Some notable new additions to the filters library: Crop Circle, Auto-enhance, Thermal, X-Ray, Compound Eye, Droste, VHS, CRT Crop Circle - crop video frames to maximal inner circle with outside background white or black color determined in options. Auto-enhance - applies a variety of filters to automatically enhance video frames. These filters remedy some of the most common issues found in photos: repairs red/amber/white eye due to camera flash, adjusts face color for pleasing skin tones, increases image saturation without distorting the skin tones, adjusts image contrast and shadow details. Thermal - special effect that mimics color coding heat producing colorful enhancements X-Ray - simulates x-ray photo glow Compound Eye - simulates insect vision by replicating frames multiple times Droste - special effect applies recursion to video frames VHS - simulation of VHS tracking noise CRT - intensification of CRT display effect with warping and RGB pixelation Apply multiple filters simply by applying another filter to the current filtered player video.