Experience the joy of praying for others and see God at work. Ceaseless helps you pray for all the relationships in your life by showing you a Scripture and a list of three people to pray for each day. PRAY FOR YOUR FRIENDS Write prayers for your friends. Add notes from your conversations with them and use it as a personal prayer journal. Everything stays private unless you choose to share it. Ceaseless syncs with the Contacts on your iPhone or iPad to help you get started easily. CONNECT Connect personally and ask friends for prayer requests. Send an email or text message to them easily from the app. Encourage others by letting them know you are praying for them. A DISCIPLINED PRAYER LIFE Develop a disciplined prayer life through a gentle reminder to pray each day. Customize the time when you receive the reminder to best fit with your schedule. EXPERIENCE THE JOY Read through your prayer journal and see how God has answered and worked in the lives of those around you. Jesus said we would experience joy by asking and receiving in his name (John 16:24). Ceaseless helps you ask God for all the breadth and depth that He invites you to so you can experience the fullness of joy He promised. Through seeing God at work, you can praise Him for all he has done. Download Ceaseless today! Read more of the story behind Ceaseless here: https://www.ceaselessprayer.com CONNECT WITH US Website: ceaselessprayer.com Facebook: facebook.com/ceaselesspraying Twitter: twitter.com/ceaselessprayer Email: [email protected]