Download Station (DS) Mobile is a FREE iPhone/iPod/iPad app for managing and monitoring download tasks in your Synology’s Download Station. It requires DSM 4.0 and up. Key Features: ‧ Monitor your download task list ‧ View details of your download task ‧ Manage download tasks with these supported operations: Pause, resume, delete, clear completed ‧ Filter download tasks by All, Downloading, and Completed ‧ Add a download task by pasting supported URL (ftps://, sftp://, http://, https://, ftp://) ‧ Add a download task by long-pressing a link in the embedded browser ‧ Supports both HTTP and HTTPS connections ‧ Intuitive UI for managing multiple Download Station ‧ Use Synology’s official Download Station API supported on DSM 4.0 and up ‧ Support iPhone 6/6+ and iOS 8 ‧ Available in English and Traditional Chinese Have suggestions/feature requests for the app? Email me at [email protected]