HAMILTON — The Official App. Fans’ access to all things HAMILTON the musical. #HamApp HelloHelloHello! We made you this! Read, watch, play, answer, enter, order — This app is yours. And we’ve got so much more up our sleeves! I love you. Okay, go! -Lin -----FEATURES----- HAMILTON Today Get the latest news about Hamilton and access to exclusive video content, slideshows, and more. Lottery Enter the official HAMILTON lotteries for London, New York, and tour locations. The Treasury Use the stars you’ve earned to unlock personalized videos from the cast, exclusive HamCam filters, karaoke tracks, sticker packs, props from the show, and more! Trivia Drop some knowledge with our daily trivia game. Karaoke Record and share videos of yourself
 singing along to HAMILTON songs. #HamCam Take and share photos using our exclusive #HamCam with show-themed overlays. Unlock special location-based stickers are theaters and other HAMILTON venues. Stickers Share fun show-related stickers with your friends and family, either in the app or through the included Messages app. Merch Purchase items from the official HAMILTON store.