Take control of you AXIS A1001 Network Door Controller(s) from your iPhone. Forgot to lock a door? Quickly lock it with the App. Need to let a client in to your building? Grant door access from anywhere. Someone in the office after hours? Instantly check the access logs. App features: > The Door List - View all your doors and their current status all on one list. - Individual colour coded status for Locked, Unlocked, Access and Alarms. - Includes an Instant Access button to unlock the door for a number of seconds, granting people entry. > Door View - Lock, Unlock and Access the door. - See the current status of that door. - View the door's Event and Alarm logs. > Event Log View the Event Log for each door. See the events from the door organised by date and filtered for your convenience. > Alarm Log View the Alarm Log for each door. See only the Alarm stats that you pre-set up alerts for. >Adding your A1001 to the App The App works with any A1001 device, whether it's in Standalone Mode or part of a System. Either auto-detect the A1001 devices on your network or manually enter their location. Then enter your your username and password to allow the App access the A1001 unit.