Test and evolve your information answering the questions and learn new knowledge about Medical Terminology by this app. Medical Terminology includes by the multiple choice questions: - Human Anatomy - Human Body Systems - Medical Issues - Medical Dictionary - Physiology - Common Medical Terminology - Many More... QUIZZES: - Internet connection is NOT needed. - There is no timeline. Feel free while answering questions. - You can view question order (like 5/20) while playing quiz. - You can navigate between questions by "Next" and "Back" button. - You can view correct answer of a question by "Answer" button. This button is active only when "Feedback When Answer Selected" setting is "ON". - You can exit from quiz by "Exit" button. When exit quiz you can review quiz results. - You can view correct, incorrect answers and achievements of quiz instantly "Feedback When Answer Selected" setting is "ON". - Quiz Result screen shows sum,correct,incorrect and skipped questions and its answer time. Quiz Result can viewed catalog or list. SETTINGS: - Play Voice When Answer Incorrect : Default is Off - Continue Quiz When Answer Correct : Default is On. When you set "Feedback When Answer Selected" as "Off" then this option is inactive. - Continue Quiz When Answer Incorrect : Default is Off. When you set "Feedback When Answer Selected" as "Off" then this option is inactive. - Allow Blank Answer : Default is On. If you change this option as "Off" you cannot skip a question. - Feedback When Answer Selected : Default is On. If you change this option as "Off" you cannot view question answer(correct or incorrect) instantly. - Quiz Results View Type : Default is catalog view. Other option is list view. STATISTICS: - You can review your performance statistics to check how good you are getting. - Quiz statistics shows as the following for selected quiz category. - Achievements - Question # - Correct # - Incorrect # - Skipped # - Elapsed Time(Mins) - Average Time (Mins) - Fastest Answer Time(Mins) : This is shows only fastest correct answer time. - Slowest Answer Time(Mins) : This is shows only slowest correct answer time. - Last Date : Format is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi HISTORY: - You can review history quiz performances on history screen. - Quiz Performance History screen shows only played quizzes. You can view last played quiz date and last achievements for played quizzes. - If you have play a quiz category more than one you can view all quiz sessions for selected quiz category. - You can review a quiz session performance details by selected a session. This screen shows quiz history performance reports.