Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space is a hybrid roguelike game of space adventure and starship combat set within an unexplored region of the galaxy known as the Purple Void. Each game session presents an instant, randomly generated "space opera" that plays to its conclusion in one sitting. Captain your own starship and head out into deep space. Explore exotic suns and discover strange planets. Avoid nebulas and dangerous black holes. Encounter alien enemies- and allies. Command starship battles, blow up stuff and collect booty, then return to your homeworld and fortune and glory! Features Randomly generated animated star maps Dozens of unique starships Tons of artifacts, lifeforms, weapons and ship systems A bizarre collection of alien races, each with different starship types and weapons Random events and special, rare quests Turn-based space exploration and real time combat Brisk and quick to replay so permadeath is fun! Tutorial mode A combat simulator with access to ALL ships in the game Award-winning spaced-out music and sound effects "The coolest trip across the galaxy ... a sure-fire hit that should be in every gamer's library." - Russell Carroll, Game Tunnel "This is what independent gaming is all about." - Cory Banks, Gamers With Jobs "This game blew me away, and minutes turned into hours as I kept telling myself, alright, that one didn't count. Just one more round..." - Kit Pierce, MacGamer "Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here." - Ming the Merciless, Planet Mongo