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Rumble Heroes - Adventure RPG
Casual Hack-n-slash / Collection RPG
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I lost the quest items and cant retrieve it anymore, I have of those spheres for the ruins in the forest area but after I placed the 2 spheres the quest resets and I explored the whole area again and cant find any spheres anymore. Pls fix this bug I really like the game.

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hello, [Rumble Heroes] here.
Thank you for your valuable review. We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced while playing the game.
We will do our best to provide a better service with your feedback in consideration.
Customer Support: https://playhard.oqupie.com/portals/2110

07/11/2024 10:49:51

I keep getting error code expired token

0 0
07/11/2024 03:00:23

I like, it's an awesome game. ❤️

07/10/2024 09:10:42

so far I love the game. the art it's great and simple, controls are simple just great. keep up the good work

0 0
07/09/2024 22:27:15

Crashes alot but tbh worth playing lol

0 0
Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

You may experience disconnections or overheating on devices that do not meet the recommended specifications.
We also recommend playing on a stable network and closing background apps to optimize memory usage.
We will do our best to assist you in greater depth through our customer support.
Customer Support: https://playhard.oqupie.com/portals/2110

07/09/2024 17:34:19

Nope, death at the start is unfair. How the hell does a knight that can smash the sword and deals like 30 damage turn into a god

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

Hello, [Rumble Heroes] here.
We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.
We will do our best to assist you in greater depth through our customer support.
We will work harder to provide you with a better service.
Customer Support: https://playhard.oqupie.com/portals/2110

07/09/2024 08:18:12

It pissed me off I keep getting the one I have and commons

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

Hello, [Rumble Heroes] here.
Thank you for your valuable review. We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced while playing the game.
We will do our best to provide a better service with your feedback in consideration.
Customer Support: https://playhard.oqupie.com/portals/2110

07/08/2024 07:21:57

A lot of fun, I've found myself playing for an hour or two when I play.

0 0
07/08/2024 00:07:26


07/07/2024 13:04:26

Unable to play due to an expired token error on a fully updated application.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/07/2024

Hello, [Rumble Heroes] here.
We apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.
We will do our best to assist you in greater depth through our customer support.
We will work harder to provide you with a better service.
Customer Support: https://playhard.oqupie.com/portals/2110

07/07/2024 04:14:44
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