Proseezion, the high-end camera app designed to get the best possible photo quality. The innovative research behind the app makes impressive photos without that processed look. Instead, the images look like they were created by a superior sensor. Detail is greatly increased: even more than RAW in difficult situations. Noise is almost impossible to find: even in extremely low light. The innovative image stacking technology means this can all be done without torturing a single capture, which usually results in that processed look. Main features: ADJUSTABLE REAL DYNAMIC CONTRAST RANGE A true innovation, the sensor’s Dynamic Contrast Range (DCR) is adjustable which means the images real dynamic range is under your control! The DCR control range starts at Normal contrast and is adjustable to +/-1.00 with two decimal points precision. Giving you the true dynamic range you need without that HDR look. EXPOSURE AND DYNAMIC CONTRAST RANGE PANNING ADJUSTMENT With a single on-screen panning gesture you can set both dynamic contrast range (N+/-1.00) and exposure (EV+/-4.00). Panning vertically you set dynamic contrast range and horizontally exposure. A real time histogram with Zone Scale helps you expose the scene correctly while the live preview simulates the result. Panning with two fingers allows you to control one exposure aspect at the time (N or EV). The values are shown in real time with an option to reset them to zero. MANUAL FOCUS
 While you can tap on the spot you want to focus, you can also long press and focus manually on a critical area. To help you fine-tune, Proseezion zooms into the selected spot. OPTIMUM ISO 
Proseezion automatically selects the lowest possible ISO for the shot to ensure optimum results. HORIZON ANGLE INDICATOR
 An aviation style horizon indicator ensures that your photos will never need rotation. FULL METADATA WITH DATE AND LOCATION
 Your photos will have full metadata to review the settings, location, date, EV and N values used. SELF TIMER 5 second timer allows you to get out of the scene before any shot and ensures that your photos will not be shaken. SQUARE FORMAT 
Some photos are best shot in a square format and an option for that is included. LAST PHOTO VIEWER
 You can view the last photo taken and share, use or print it. MOVABLE SHUTTER BUTTON
 The shutter button is moveable and allows you to place it in the most convenient spot for each shot. ECONOMY MODE
 In economy mode you can save space keeping high-end quality.