Explore the world with the simple & powerful Street Live App. Street Live App : Latest Maps Exact GPS location - Determine your location automatically Shows Address on Map - Worldwide View any place in world from your devices View any point around you or all over the world Use your phone’s camera & take pics Compare the street view with pictures taken from Camera Displays the nearby POI's Search nearby Hotels, Shops, Restaurants,Cafes,Hospitals,Schools,Metro Stations Directions functionality to show the routes Directions guidance (Turn by Turn) Shows world famous places around the world Features: User Friendly Design Developer with latest technology Fully Functional App Universal app (supports all devices) share with everybody through instant messaging clients and email All the cool features & updates are available with no restrictions & ads Disclaimer: App is not for navigation. App needs a fast Internet connection 3g,4g or wifi. Streetview is not available in all locations. Continues use of GPS will Reduce the battery life Drastically, (Turn off GPS when not in use)