CRUSH IT WITH AN EXTRAORDINARY NEW TO-DO LIST APP Azha is an extraorindary new to-do list that is helping people CRUSH IT. To do this (no pun intended), we've repurposed the dubious engineering & design tricks used by social media and advertising companies to hijack your brain, steal your time, and drain your self-esteem by making you addicted to updates, buzzes, dings, likes, hearts, and scrolling feeds . . . to instead make you addicted to getting things done, which makes you feel good about yourself. Really good. WHY PEOPLE LOVE AZHA'S TO-DO LIST & CALENDAR Azha has everything you need and nothing more: to-do list, calendar, reminders, recurring, lists, goals, and connection with family and friends. You won't need a tutorial or user's manual to get started because it's the most intuitive to-do list and calendar app in the store. Azha has finally solved the impossible problem of how to combine a to-do list with a calendar. If you use a calendar app but just want to remind yourself to pick up milk on the way home, why do you have to schedule a time for that? If you use a to-do list app but want to add a 3:00 p.m. doctor's appointment three weeks from now, how do you do that? Can a paper to-do list give you a ding and a buzz to remind you when it's time to pick up the kids? How about popping up your goals every day to remind you of what you want to accomplish long-term? Would that change what you put on your list? Azha is the first app to solve all these problems simultaneously. Yet, it's so simple and easy-to-use that we don't think you'll even notice how clever and sophisticated it actually is. Clear a space on your homescreen and let Azha start working its magic on you. BE FRIENDLY WITH US, WE'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU [email protected]