A Free Proximity-based Social, Spiritual and Educational Network App For and By Gay Catholics & Christians. Features: 1. Who am I – Words of Hope, Faith and Inclusion from Pope Francis 2. Friends Near - Connect with other Gay Catholics & Christians near you at home, after mass, or on the road 3. Talk – Chat live with other Gay Catholics and Christians. 4. Write – Post Spiritual Messages 5. Meet – Gay Catholics & Christian Meetup Groups 6. NY/LA Church – NYC & LA Churches with LGBTQ outreach 7. Gay Churches – Directories of Gay-friendly Churches 8. Seek – List of organizations, groups and initiatives for Gay Catholics and Christians. 9. LGBTQ Families – A list of resources for Gay Catholic and Christian Families/Gay Marriage. 10. Listen – Audio Segments. 11. Pray – Prayers from Pope Francis & others. 12. Bible – American Standard Bible 13. Blogs – Blogs of interest to Gay Catholics & Christians. 14. Watch – Videos. 15. Inspir-Tunes –Inspirational tunes. 16. Twitter– CatholicLGBTQ