Welcome to the Flock. An online dating community, social network. ZERO scammers/fakes. All FREE. Friends/family can join too, single or not. Make an account quickly and get searching! There's singles waiting for you to discover them! REAL people joining every minute!! We also have full website support for this app. Just log in at https://flockdating.com the same way you login to this app. Same login method. We make online dating more FUN by letting you buddy up with friends/family to help each other!!! By giving you a full social network on which to gather and chat, and through fully blocking scammers! We have implemented 6 different technologies to block scammers. Scammers are running rampant on apps these days and you can never be too careful. I'm sure maybe even you have had experience with an online dating scammer. Well.. you wont find them here. At Flock, we truly believe that being able to buddy up on a dating app is the key to success. How many times have you shown a profile on a dating app to a friend to see what they thought? That single act right there is what we base this whole thing off of. That's the basic guiding principle of this app. Friends and Family helping each other. You'll love Flock because it makes things less boring and less lonely. You'll also get input from friends on people they’re thinking of messaging, or who has messaged them. And soon we'll have endorsements enabled so you can write endorsements for friends.. Also…. WE WILL NOT FILL THIS APP WITH FAKE PROFILES LIKE ALL THE REST DO!!!! We will never allow it…. So check it out…. It’s free, it’s sleek, it’s designed well, tested by many people and it's only going to get better. Key Features: - Not just the app but the website too!!! Check it out here at: https://www.flockdating.com - We screen users with our AI, and our AI kicks out scammers! - Join with your friends/family, Buddy Up and have more fun. - Let your friends help you make matches or refer you to their friends that you may not know. - Easily invite friends with your exclusive invite code. - Quick interface that is well designed and bug free. COST - Totally free So play cupid for your friends and family and be a matchmaker. Or get help from friends inside the same app. Or just use the app alone if you like. *Q: If I don’t understand how something works, can you help? Yes! Upon joining, you’ll receive a message from our support team in your in-app inbox. If you have any questions, just ask away. We’re always here to answer... *Q: What will you do for us if someone sends us private pictures/videos? If you receive an unwanted picture or video from someone. Just report it to us and we will handle it. Likely we will just disable their account and bid farewell. Your safety and privacy is our first priority on Flock.