The world's best Sudoku game for iPhone/iPad. It provides ease of use and almost every feature you can imagine. Enjoy infinite number of sudoku games with powerful features all your life. Everyday world sudoku competition Features - 5 type of Sudoku games Original sudoku Greater than sudoku Killer sudoku Calculation sudoku Symbol sudoku - Daily Sudoku Playing same sudoku puzzles with worldwide users everyday - Facebook/Twitter Integration Record share on Facebook Puzzle share on Facebook Record share on Twitter Puzzle share on Twitter - Play again, Watch replay - Provides infinite number of puzzles at all levels. Provides infinite number of puzzles and you can play it all your life. - You can choose game level among 5 different levels - Auto saving Always the state of games will be saved and then you can see the last screen when you restart the game. - Memo for candidate numbers You can enter candidate numbers in a cell that you don't know the answer immediately. It will help you to play the game. - Auto memo Auto memo is provided. So you can progress the game quickly. - Recording game score Score of the game is recorded and managed. - Resetting game If you screw up the game, you can initialize the game. - Unlimited undo/redo You can go back previous status using undo/redo function. - Multiple bookmarks You can move to saved position using bookmark. You can save 5 bookmarks. - Supporting 5 languages (English, Korean, Japanese, 2 Chinese) - Hint function Hint function tells you the answer of a cell when you meet a difficult cell. One hint is provided every 20 minutes. - Display duplicate numbers When you enter a duplicate number, the number will be displayed with different color. It will help you to play games. - Full support for Retina display Provides clear screen with supporting Retina display - When you double tap the screen the mode will be changed to memo mode - Display with different color where you need to compare the numbers. The cells that you should compare the numbers will be painted with different color. It will help you to play games. - Game Center integration Check worldwide rankings, the best time ranking in each levels Backup best time and total score to Game Center - Various settings Sound Effects On / Off, change the language, etc. - Feedback function You can report a bug or your opinion, and are able to communicate with the developer. - iOS8 support - iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus support - World ranking page