Create and discover meaningful content curated to help you grow and expand. Content is scored by helpfulness and moderated by the community, built on authenticity and transparency. ASCEND Key Features: To start, receive a comprehensive personality assessment that informs content curation based on helpfulness re: what you desire to learn/how you want to grow and improve Everyone within Ascend is a creator - transitioning from spectator/consumer model to collaborative-co-creatorship Content is rated by the community - self-regulated - based on ""helpfulness"" Entirely new advertising (monetization) model in which advertisers are incentivized to generate content that is actually deemed helpful by platform participants - unhelpful content will be scored lower, incurring bigger ad fee to run on platform Proprietary cryptocurrency (Ascend Coin) allows content creators whose content is most helpful to receive revenue/value from other creators - new economic model gives way eventually to micro-lending feature, job board, crowd-funding and much more